
ONE MORE WIN! Trump Says Roe Decision Possible Because ‘I Delivered’

Published On: 24. Juni 2022 21:21

A statement from Donald J Trump:

Today’s decision, which is the biggest WIN for LIFE in a generation,

along with other decisions that have been announced recently, were only

made possible because I delivered everything as promised, including

nominating and getting three highly respected and strong

Constitutionalists confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. It was

my great honor to do so! I did not cave to the Radical Left Democrats,

their partners in the Fake News Media, or the RINOs who are likewise

the true, but silent, enemy of the people. These major Victories prove

that even though the Radical Left is doing everything in their power to

destroy our Country, your Rights are being protected, the Country is

being defended, and there is still hope and time to Save America! I will

never stop fighting for the Great People of our Nation!

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