
‘Saturday Night Live’ Mocks Biden As Being Brain Damaged

Published On: 5. Dezember 2022 2:37

NBC‘s “Saturday Night Live” mocked President Joe Biden over the weekend as being brain damaged.

“Weekend Update” host Michael Che made the joke after talking briefly about how the White House has tried to deal with a pending railway strike by signing a bill into law that makes a rail strike illegal.

“President Biden signed a measure that would force railway workers to accept a deal that averts a strike but does not include paid sick leave,” Che said. “But how do you expect Biden to care about sick leave when he shows up to work every day with full-blown CTE?”

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a serious brain degeneration disorder that experts believe is likely caused by repeated head traumas, although much is still unknown about the condition, the Mayo Clinic reports. The diagnosis cannot even be made while a person is alive “except in those rare individuals with high-risk exposures.”

Symptoms of CTE include memory loss, cognitive impairment, executive functioning impairment, risky and aggressive behavior, mood issues, and motor impairments.


Biden said Friday morning at the ceremony to sign the bill, “The bill I’m about to sign ends a difficult rail dispute and helps our nation avoid what, without a doubt, would have been an economic catastrophe at a very bad time in the calendar.”

Biden has repeatedly faced questions about his mental fitness for office as polls have shown that the majority of Americans are concerned about his mental wellbeing.

Former White House physician, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), who served in the role under the Obama and Trump administrations, said during an interview back in September that U.S. officials must explain to the American public what is going on with Biden’s mental fitness for office.

“You know, it’s continued to get worse since he was candidate Joe Biden,” Jackson said. “When I first started talking about this, the American people have continued to have questions about a lot of his bizarre behaviors, this holding hands thing is one of them, the way he makes up stories, and he just repeatedly tells the stories that everyone has documented are not true, that happens pretty frequently. He has these emotional outbursts. He shuffles when he walks. He slurs his speech. He always looks frail and fragile. I just think it’s continued to get worse and worse.”

“And I think that now the Democrats and the mainstream media now are starting to say, ‘we can’t ignore this a whole lot longer,’” Jackson continued. “At some point or another, we’re going to have to address this, we’re going to have to explain to the American people what’s going on, you know, I have to ask them multiple times to see his complete medical record for the American people to see it, for him to do cognitive tests.”

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