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Director of biodiversity charity celebrates population decline as it will help governments meet climate change goals

Published On: 10. Mai 2023 9:30


The director of a biodiversity charity has celebrated the decline in the global population, stating that it will help governments meet their climate change goals. The comments were made by Paul Ehrlich, the president of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University, during an interview with The Guardian.

The Population Decline

Ehrlich stated that the decline in the global population was a positive development, as it would reduce the strain on the planet’s resources. He argued that the world’s population had already exceeded the planet’s carrying capacity, and that a decline in the population would help to reduce the impact of human activity on the environment.

Climate Change Goals

Ehrlich also argued that a decline in the population would help governments to meet their climate change goals. He stated that reducing the number of people on the planet would reduce the demand for resources, and would therefore help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Challenges Ahead

Despite his optimism, Ehrlich acknowledged that there were significant challenges ahead. He noted that the decline in the population was not happening evenly across the globe, and that some countries were still experiencing significant population growth. He also noted that there were significant social and economic challenges associated with a declining population, including the need to support an aging population and to maintain economic growth.


In conclusion, Ehrlich’s comments highlight the complex relationship between population growth, resource consumption, and climate change. While a decline in the global population may help to reduce the impact of human activity on the environment, it is not a panacea for the challenges facing the planet. Governments and individuals will need to work together to address the social, economic, and environmental challenges associated with a changing population

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Director of biodiversity charity celebrates population decline as it will help governments meet climate change goals

Breaking News According to a Scientific American magazine opinion piece, a world with fewer people means a different climate and better outcomes for the planet’s remaining inhabitants – human and otherwise. Stephanie Feldstein’s opinion article refers to the United Nations’ forecasting that dozens of countries’ populations will be shrinking by 2050 as “good news”: This is good news. Considering no other large animal’s population has grown as much, as quickly or as devastatingly for other species as ours, we should all be celebrating population decline. Population Decline Will Change the World for the Better, Stephanie Feldstein, Scientific American, 4 May 2023 The article asserts that fewer people require less feeding and energy. The assumption is bolstered further by the notion

Details to Director of biodiversity charity celebrates population decline as it will help governments meet climate change goals

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