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Japan’s Masked Children: A Tragic Tale

Published On: 10. Mai 2023 8:00


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, and children are no exception. In Japan, the pandemic has led to a phenomenon known as the „masked children,“ where kids are forced to wear masks all day, even during physical education classes and recess. This has raised concerns about the impact of masks on children’s physical and mental health.

The Tragedy of Masked Children

The tragedy of Japan’s masked children is that they are forced to wear masks for long periods, which can lead to physical discomfort and health issues. According to a survey conducted by the Japanese government, 60% of elementary school students reported feeling uncomfortable wearing masks, while 30% said they experienced headaches and dizziness. Some children have also reported difficulty breathing and skin irritation.

Wearing masks all day can also affect children’s mental health. Masks can make it difficult for children to communicate with their peers and teachers, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. This can have a negative impact on their social and emotional development, which is crucial during their formative years.

The Impact on Education

The impact of masks on children’s education is also a concern. In Japan, physical education classes and recess are an important part of the curriculum, but with masks being mandatory, children are unable to participate fully. This can affect their physical development and lead to a lack of exercise, which is essential for maintaining good health.

Moreover, masks can make it difficult for children to hear and understand their teachers, especially for those who are hard of hearing or have learning disabilities. This can lead to a decline in academic performance and a lack of motivation to learn.


In conclusion, the tragedy of Japan’s masked children highlights the need for a balanced approach to COVID-19 prevention measures. While masks are important in preventing the spread of the virus, they should not be mandatory for children all day, especially during physical education classes and recess. Schools should also provide regular breaks for children to remove their masks and allow for proper ventilation in classrooms.

Furthermore, it is important to address the mental health impact of masks on children. Schools should provide support for children who are struggling with feelings of isolation and loneliness, and encourage social interaction in safe and healthy ways.

Overall, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of prioritizing the physical and mental health of children, and we must continue to find ways to protect them while ensuring their well-being

Original article Teaser

The Tragedy of Japan’s Masked Children

When the Japanese academic year started last month, students were no longer required to wear masks at school. But when 1,328 Japanese kids were asked whether they’d still keep masking from the beginning of the new school year, they inevitably gave depressing responses. 68% said they’d be wearing a mask anyway; just 5% said they wouldn’t. 27% said they’d wait and see what others were doing. Even more depressing were the reasons for saying ‘Yes’. 35% said they did want to show their face; 20% that they were still worried about COVID-19. Only 7% said it was due to peer pressure. A teacher at a high school in Osaka described the situation during the first month of optional masking. We put up posters in

Details to The Tragedy of Japan’s Masked Children

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