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Pfizer’s trial data on the „vaccine“ reveals concerning results for expectant mothers; they were aware from the start

Published On: 10. Mai 2023 11:00

Pfizer “vaccine” trial data shows alarming outcomes for pregnant women

According to data from Pfizer’s own clinical trials, pregnant women who received the experimental COVID-19 vaccine had a miscarriage rate of 23%, which is 3.5 times higher than the background rate of 6.6% for women in this age group. The data was obtained by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German physician and former member of the European Parliament, who has been raising concerns about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines.

The data was presented to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) by Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer. The doctors called for the immediate suspension of all COVID-19 vaccine studies in pregnant women, as well as in women of childbearing age who are not using contraception.

They knew all along

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon also pointed out that Pfizer’s own study protocol stated that “pregnancy should be excluded” from the clinical trials. Despite this, pregnant women were included in the trials, and the data shows that they suffered serious adverse events at a much higher rate than non-pregnant women.

This raises serious questions about the ethics of the clinical trials, as well as the transparency of the data that has been released to the public. It also suggests that Pfizer knew all along that the vaccine was not safe for pregnant women, but chose to include them in the trials anyway.

The risks outweigh the benefits

The risks of the COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant women are clear, and the benefits are uncertain at best. Pregnant women are already at a higher risk of complications from respiratory infections, and there is no evidence that the vaccine provides any additional protection against COVID-19 for pregnant women or their unborn children.

Given the high rate of miscarriage and other adverse events in pregnant women who received the vaccine, it is clear that the risks outweigh the potential benefits. Pregnant women should not be used as guinea pigs in experimental vaccine trials, and they should not be pressured into getting the vaccine without a full understanding of the risks involved

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Pfizer “vaccine” trial data shows alarming outcomes for pregnant women; they knew all along

Breaking News A preprint paper published this month, shows that IgG4 antibodies are present in the umbilical cord blood of infants born to vaccinated mothers, highlighting a theoretical risk to newborns of an ineffective response to Covid infection. This highlights just how many unknowns we are dealing with when it comes to assessing what will be the long-term outcomes of mRNA vaccination. IgG4 is a type of antibody our immune systems create in response to a foreign object.  An IgG4 response is usually found with allergens such as pollen meaning the body could be tolerating Covid but never actually clearing it, resulting in the immune system being too fatigued to deal with other things. Further reading:  New study confirms mRNA causes switch

Details to Pfizer “vaccine” trial data shows alarming outcomes for pregnant women; they knew all along

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