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We have been overly lenient with you!“ – Thulas Nxesi

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 15:48


South Africa’s Minister of Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi, has called out employers for exploiting workers and not adhering to labor laws. Speaking at a virtual Workers‘ Day rally, Nxesi said that employers have been „too nice“ and that it is time for them to be held accountable for their actions.

Nxesi’s comments come as South Africa grapples with high unemployment rates and a struggling economy. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated these issues, with many workers losing their jobs or being forced to work in unsafe conditions.

The Minister’s Criticism of Employers

During his speech, Nxesi criticized employers for not paying workers a living wage and for not providing adequate safety measures in the workplace. He also accused employers of exploiting workers by hiring them on a temporary or contract basis, rather than offering them permanent positions with benefits.

Nxesi called on employers to take responsibility for their actions and to work with the government to create a more equitable and just society. He also urged workers to stand up for their rights and to demand better treatment from their employers.

The Importance of Labor Laws

Nxesi emphasized the importance of labor laws in protecting workers‘ rights and ensuring that they are treated fairly. He said that the government is committed to enforcing these laws and holding employers accountable for any violations.

Nxesi also highlighted the need for collective bargaining and for workers to have a voice in the workplace. He said that the government is working to strengthen unions and to ensure that workers have the right to organize and negotiate with their employers.


In conclusion, Thulas Nxesi’s comments serve as a reminder of the importance of protecting workers‘ rights and ensuring that employers adhere to labor laws. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerabilities of workers, particularly those in low-paying jobs or in industries that have been hit hard by the pandemic.

Nxesi’s call for employers to be held accountable for their actions and for workers to stand up for their rights is a step in the right direction. It is important for the government, employers, and workers to work together to create a more equitable and just society, where all workers are treated with dignity and respect

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Thulas Nxesi: “We have been too nice to you!”

Podcasts Daily Friend . May 11, 2023 408 Views   – Today’s Daily Friend Show with Nicholas Lorimer, Michael Morris, and Sara Gon discusses the racist comments made by Labour Minister, Thulas Nxesi, in Parliament this week. They also chat about the support for Andre de Ruyter from Professor Makgoba at the SCOPA hearings, the weakness of the Rand, and a spelling mistake on SA’s currency. Daily Friend administrator

Details to Thulas Nxesi: “We have been too nice to you!”

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