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How the World is Falling into Catastrophic Delusions – and Ways to Address It

Published On: 12. Mai 2023 17:26


The world is currently facing a multitude of crises, from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change to political unrest. However, according to an article by The Guardian, many people are falling into „catastrophist delusions,“ which are causing them to lose hope and feel helpless in the face of these challenges. The article explores why this is happening and what can be done to combat it.

The Rise of Catastrophist Delusions

The article argues that catastrophist delusions are fueled by a combination of factors, including social media, the 24-hour news cycle, and a lack of trust in institutions. Social media algorithms often prioritize sensationalist content, leading people to consume more negative news and feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of crises. Additionally, the 24-hour news cycle means that there is always something happening, which can make it feel like the world is constantly on the brink of disaster. Finally, a lack of trust in institutions, such as governments and the media, can lead people to believe that there is no hope for positive change.

The article also notes that catastrophist delusions can lead to a sense of helplessness and apathy, which can be detrimental to efforts to address these crises. If people feel like there is no hope for change, they may be less likely to take action to address the issues at hand. Additionally, catastrophist delusions can lead to a sense of despair and anxiety, which can have negative impacts on mental health.

What Can Be Done?

The article suggests several strategies for combating catastrophist delusions. One is to focus on positive news and stories of progress. While it is important to be aware of the challenges facing the world, it is also important to acknowledge the progress that has been made and the potential for positive change. Another strategy is to build trust in institutions by holding them accountable and promoting transparency. This can help to restore faith in the ability of institutions to effect change.

The article also suggests that individuals can take action to address the crises facing the world. This can include things like reducing one’s carbon footprint, supporting local businesses, and getting involved in community activism. By taking action, individuals can feel a sense of agency and empowerment, which can combat feelings of helplessness and despair.


In conclusion, the article argues that catastrophist delusions are a real and concerning phenomenon that can have negative impacts on mental health and efforts to address the crises facing the world. However, there are strategies that can be employed to combat these delusions, including focusing on positive news and stories of progress, building trust in institutions, and taking action as individuals. By doing so, we can work towards a more hopeful and proactive approach to addressing the challenges facing the world

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Why the World is Descending into Catastrophist Delusions – and What Can Be Done About It

Like most Daily Sceptic readers I’m just an ordinary citizen outraged at the gratuitous suffering and absurdities of the last three years. We are all accidental activists. Yet it just so happens that for 12 years I worked with a plethora of Government departments including the Department of Health, the Cabinet Office, the Home Office and the Department of Education (under its ever-changing names) and many others. I also have a PhD in philosophy and for 30 years I have been a psychotherapist, working with hypnosis and collaborating with Paul McKenna on a series of best-selling books. I found that I was uniquely well placed to comment on the Covid imbroglio. I started a blog and in May 2020 the Lockdown Sceptics website, as

Details to Why the World is Descending into Catastrophist Delusions – and What Can Be Done About It

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