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Title: The Descent of the World into Catastrophic Delusions – and Possible Solutions

Published On: 12. Mai 2023 17:26


The world is currently facing a multitude of crises, from climate change to political polarization to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, according to an article by Nafeez Ahmed in The Guardian, the way in which we are collectively responding to these crises is causing us to fall into „catastrophist delusions.“ Ahmed argues that this mindset is not only unhelpful but also dangerous, as it can lead to fatalism and inaction.

The Problem with Catastrophist Delusions

Catastrophist delusions, as Ahmed describes them, are characterized by a belief that the world is irreparably broken and that there is nothing we can do to fix it. This mindset can lead to a sense of hopelessness and a lack of motivation to take action. Ahmed argues that this is particularly dangerous in the face of crises like climate change, where urgent action is needed to prevent catastrophic consequences.

Ahmed also notes that catastrophist delusions can lead to a sense of superiority among those who hold them. This can manifest as a belief that those who do not share their sense of doom and gloom are naive or ignorant. This can further polarize society and make it more difficult to work together to address the challenges we face.

What Can Be Done About It

So, what can be done to combat catastrophist delusions? Ahmed suggests that we need to shift our mindset from one of fatalism to one of action. Instead of focusing on the worst-case scenarios, we should focus on what we can do to prevent them. This means taking concrete steps to address the challenges we face, whether that be reducing our carbon footprint or working to bridge political divides.

Ahmed also argues that we need to be more mindful of the language we use when discussing these issues. Instead of using apocalyptic language that can reinforce catastrophist delusions, we should focus on the positive steps we can take to make a difference. This can help to inspire hope and motivate people to take action.

Finally, Ahmed suggests that we need to work together to address these challenges. Instead of viewing those who disagree with us as enemies, we should seek to find common ground and work together towards a shared goal. This will require empathy, understanding, and a willingness to listen to different perspectives.


In conclusion, catastrophist delusions are a dangerous mindset that can lead to fatalism and inaction. However, by shifting our mindset from one of fatalism to one of action, being mindful of our language, and working together towards a shared goal, we can combat these delusions and make a positive difference in the world. It is up to all of us to take responsibility for our actions and work towards a better future

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Why the World is Descending into Catastrophist Delusions – and What Can Be Done About It

Like most Daily Sceptic readers I’m just an ordinary citizen outraged at the gratuitous suffering and absurdities of the last three years. We are all accidental activists. Yet it just so happens that for 12 years I worked with a plethora of Government departments including the Department of Health, the Cabinet Office, the Home Office and the Department of Education (under its ever-changing names) and many others. I also have a PhD in philosophy and for 30 years I have been a psychotherapist, working with hypnosis and collaborating with Paul McKenna on a series of best-selling books. I found that I was uniquely well placed to comment on the Covid imbroglio. I started a blog and in May 2020 the Lockdown Sceptics website, as

Details to Why the World is Descending into Catastrophist Delusions – and What Can Be Done About It

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