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Title: The Descent of the World into Catastrophic Delusions – Solutions to Combat It

Published On: 12. Mai 2023 17:26


In this article, the author discusses the current state of the world and how people are becoming increasingly pessimistic about the future. The author argues that this pessimism is leading to a „catastrophist delusion“ where people believe that the world is on the brink of collapse and that there is little that can be done to prevent it. The author then goes on to suggest some ways that this delusion can be overcome.

The Catastrophist Delusion

The author argues that the catastrophist delusion is a result of several factors. One of these factors is the media, which tends to focus on negative news stories and sensationalize them. This constant barrage of negative news can lead people to believe that the world is a much worse place than it actually is. Another factor is social media, which can amplify negative messages and create echo chambers where people only hear opinions that confirm their own beliefs.

The author also suggests that the catastrophist delusion is fueled by a sense of powerlessness. Many people feel that they have little control over the world around them and that the problems facing society are too big to solve. This feeling of powerlessness can lead to a sense of despair and hopelessness, which in turn can fuel the catastrophist delusion.

Overcoming the Delusion

The author suggests several ways that the catastrophist delusion can be overcome. One of these ways is to focus on positive news stories and to celebrate the progress that has been made in the world. By highlighting the good things that are happening, people can begin to see that the world is not as bad as they thought.

Another way to overcome the delusion is to take action. The author argues that people need to feel like they are making a difference in the world, even if it is just a small difference. By taking action, people can regain a sense of control over their lives and the world around them.

Finally, the author suggests that people need to be more mindful of the information they consume. This means being aware of the biases of the media and social media and seeking out diverse opinions and perspectives. By doing so, people can avoid getting trapped in echo chambers and can gain a more balanced view of the world.


In conclusion, the author argues that the catastrophist delusion is a real problem that is affecting many people around the world. However, the author also suggests that there are ways to overcome this delusion and to regain a sense of hope and optimism about the future. By focusing on positive news stories, taking action, and being mindful of the information we consume, we can begin to see the world in a more balanced and positive light

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Why the World is Descending into Catastrophist Delusions – and What Can Be Done About It

Like most Daily Sceptic readers I’m just an ordinary citizen outraged at the gratuitous suffering and absurdities of the last three years. We are all accidental activists. Yet it just so happens that for 12 years I worked with a plethora of Government departments including the Department of Health, the Cabinet Office, the Home Office and the Department of Education (under its ever-changing names) and many others. I also have a PhD in philosophy and for 30 years I have been a psychotherapist, working with hypnosis and collaborating with Paul McKenna on a series of best-selling books. I found that I was uniquely well placed to comment on the Covid imbroglio. I started a blog and in May 2020 the Lockdown Sceptics website, as

Details to Why the World is Descending into Catastrophist Delusions – and What Can Be Done About It

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