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Galway University to Use CCTV to Locate Unmasked Students

Published On: 19. November 2021 15:15

The National University of Ireland in Galway has pledged to locate unmasked students on campus by using CCTV. Any students caught not wearing a face covering will be subjected to disciplinary action. Connacht Tribune has the story.

Management at National University Ireland Galway (NUIG) have said they will use CCTV to track down students who refuse to wear face masks and can take disciplinary action against them.

Staff at the university were told this week to approach students who do not wear masks and if they refuse to wear one, CCTV will be used to “pick up on the individuals”.

NUIG’s Chief Operating Officer, John Gill, said the college’s adherence to Covid guidelines has been largely excellent.

“However, in recent weeks, we’ve had some reports of isolated incidents of non-compliance, particularly in public areas like corridors etc, and particularly relating to the wearing of face masks. We want to encourage everyone, staff and students, to return to full compliance.

“Our experience has been that if people are challenged, if somebody asks them to replace their face covering, they do so. If you find that you get a response that is now what you’d expect or people don’t return to wearing the face covering, please report it.

“If we have CCTV coverage, then we can pick up on the individuals and approach them directly, or if you know the identity of the individual, let us know and we can act on that,” said Gill.

He asked staff to provide the time, date and place so authorities could identify them through CCTV footage.

Worth reading in full.


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