Walder trieb alle Grossmedien in Covid-Panik - Inside Paradeplatz
Trudeau suggested the convoy expressed 'violence' but an attendee said 'it was all peace and love'Canada 'Freedom Convoy' appears peaceful and respectful despite Trudeau claim of 'hateful rhetoric'

Scientists speak out on being silenced when raising concerns about coronavirus lab leak theory

Published On: 1. Februar 2022 5:08

FREE the WORDS meint:

Bricht das Kartenhaus langsam zusammen? In diesem Fox News Beitrag erzählen Forscher, wie versucht wurde sie zum Schweigen zu bringen. Von der Politik und den Medien. 

Categories: Free the WordsDaily Views: 1Total Views: 620
Walder trieb alle Grossmedien in Covid-Panik - Inside Paradeplatz
Trudeau suggested the convoy expressed 'violence' but an attendee said 'it was all peace and love'Canada 'Freedom Convoy' appears peaceful and respectful despite Trudeau claim of 'hateful rhetoric'