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Anthony Fauci Tests Positive For COVID-19 Despite Four Vaccine Doses

Published On: 16. Juni 2022 19:15

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leader of the U.S. Government’s Covid pandemic response effort, has tested positive for the coronavirus, despite being fully vaccinated with four doses. CNBC has more.

Fauci, who is fully vaccinated and twice boosted against Covid, is experiencing mild symptoms, according to a statement Wednesday from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which he leads.

“Dr. Fauci will isolate and continue to work from home,” the statement said. “He has not recently been in close contact with President [Joe] Biden or other senior Government officials.”

In addition to being director of NIAID, which is a division of the National Institutes of Health, the 81-year-old Fauci also is Biden’s Chief Medical Advisor.

Covid infections are surging in the U.S. again, driven by the highly contagious Omicron variant, after dipping below 30,000 a day in March and April, according to a CNBC analysis of data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The average number of new infections a day has held steady over 100,000 since the end of May, according to the data.

NIAID said in its statement that Fauci will follow COVID-19 guidelines issued by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and “medical advice from his physician and return to NIH when he tests negative”.

The infectious disease expert has been the public face of the response to Covid since the pandemic began in earnest in the United States in March 2020.

Fauci’s promotion of coronavirus mitigation efforts, including social distancing, mask wearing and, when they became available, vaccinations, made him a hero to many. But he also drew criticism from others who believed official responses to Covid were too heavy-handed.

Worth reading in full.

Stop Press: Eugyppius has a typically entertaining take:

I promise you, Anthony Fauci really is vaccinated. He’s a corrupt and dishonest medical bureaucrat, but for the full comedic effect, you have to understand that he actually believes the greater part of his bullshit. Socially and professionally, he’s at Ground Zero of vaccine mania. You have to imagine that he submits hourly anal swabs to his assistant for lateral flow testing, enforces strict social distancing among the fish in his Koi Pond, makes his cats wear masks, and is on at least vaccine dose 5.

Worth reading in full.

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Don’t be Fooled – the Online Safety Bill Poses a Grave Threat to Free Speech
Hansard to Include ‘Trigger Warnings’ to Protect Parliamentary Snowflakes