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Woke Scout Leaders Ban Terms Like ‘Dinner Ladies’, ‘Man Made’ and ‘Christian Name’

Published On: 4. Juli 2022 17:00

Scout leaders have issued a new woke style guide banning children from using the terms “falling on death ears”, “man made” and “dinner ladies”. MailOnline has more.

Children will also be prohibited from using “maiden name” and “Christian name” in a move to avoid causing offence to people of “all genders, religions, races and to those who live with a disability”.

Instead, Scouts are told to use “first name” or “given name” instead, while “previous name” is preferred to “maiden name” as it is an “outdated term”.

Also included is “school meals supervisors” or “school dinner assistants“ instead of “dinner ladies”.

The document adds that Scouts, made up of children aged between 10 and 14, will now play “broken telephone” instead of the traditional “Chinese whispers“ game.

And children are told not to use “down under” to refer to Australia or New Zealand.

It comes as the Scout Association is already facing a backlash after introducing a “trans fun badge” for members as young as four.

Worth reading in full.

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