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academic-freedom-under-assault-at-imperial-collegeAcademic Freedom Under Assault at Imperial College

Thank You, Climate Hysterics. You’ve Made Me Rich

Published On: 28. Dezember 2022 14:00

As an investor in a number of ‘renewable’ energy funds, I am highly appreciative of the ongoing efforts of the U.N., Western governments, the education system and the captured mainstream media to sustain a feverish level of eco-hysteria in the general population.

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not a ‘climate change denier’ – indeed I’m extremely comfortable with the notion that climate exists, and changes pretty much all of the time.

Based on my extensive research and keen observational skills, I’ve concluded that at any given moment it’s either getting warmer or colder – and for the 45 years or so since ‘the ice-age cometh’ predictions in the 70’s, I’ve enjoyed every minute of what little warming we’ve experienced.

I’m immensely glad that I didn’t live through the Little Ice Age, and I’m thankful that the climate, at least in the northern hemisphere, in winter, at night, has been gently warming. I wish we’d had some more to be honest. I’m still waiting for the Mediterranean climate the Met Office used to threaten us with, before they twigged that their threats weren’t actually scaring anyone. I don’t think for one moment that there is a ‘climate emergency’.

In the words of Richard Lindzen, emeritus professor of meteorology at MIT: “Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age.”

I happen to believe that mankind’s discovery of fossil fuels has been a fortuitous, perhaps even providential, blessing for humanity, and life itself. It has engendered an explosion of technological advancement and human well-being. But more importantly, life loves carbon. And life loves warmth. The release of sequestered carbon in the form of CO₂ has given rise to a greening planet, shrinking deserts, and record crop productivity. Whether by accident or by design, humanity has rescued the biosphere from carbon famine.

It really isn’t warmth that we need to fear – quite the opposite. Warm periods – the Minoan, the Roman, the Medieval – are associated with flourishing civilisations and plenty. Cold brings crop failure, starvation, disease and death. Our current interglacial, the Holocene, is now long in the tooth, and we should enjoy it while it lasts.

As the satirist and cynic H.L. Mencken astutely observed: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

I agree.

So on the rare occasion that I dip a toe into the horrible human sewer that is Twitter, and recognise the absolute fealty that the eco-loons demonstrate in defence of their climate shibboleths, their utterly absurd predictions of imminent doom and destruction, and the intense vitriol they direct towards anyone who is not equally as insane as themselves, I cannot help but be impressed by, and somewhat thankful for, the effectiveness of climate propaganda.

Without it, they would be far less likely to consent to having their pockets picked (along with those of their children and grandchildren, should they ever have any) by their contemptible, venal governments, and see their pilfered earnings redirected towards subsidies and grants and twisted incentives for the unreliable and costly energy schemes in which I am invested.

So thank you to the credulous, trusting fools, incensed by relentless propaganda. Thank you, obvious shills. And thank you to the ludicrous climate-pseudo-scientists with your incessant grifting, well-practised arrogance and unquestioning, monomaniacal certainty. Without you I would be considerably less wealthy than I am today.

At some point the inherent absurdities of trying to run power grids on unreliable energy generation will become apparent, particularly when combined with the switch to electrical-powered home heating and EVs. However at this time it seems to me that the juggernaut is running at full tilt, with two accelerators and no brakes.

Until such time as it hits the buffers, I figure why not buy a ticket, jump on board and take advantage of the opportunities on offer?

One of my favourite starting points for finding investments is Trustnet.

Investment Trusts: IT Renewable Energy Infrastructure.

I’m currently invested in Bluefield Solar Income, Foresight Solar, Gore Street Energy Storage, Greencoat UK Wind, JLEN Environmental Assets, NextEnergy Solar and The Renewables Infrastructure Group. They all have decent track records and chunky yields. Please note that these are not recommendations; do your own due diligence!

Further reading:

Interactive Investor: The funds and investment trusts to profit from the energy revolution.

MoneyWeek: The best renewable energy funds to buy now.

Green Finance Guide: Fifteen Green Investment Trusts.

This Is Money: Can going green help you fight inflation?

Shares Magazine: How to pick a renewable energy fund.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided does not constitute financial advice or investment advice and we do not endorse any product displayed. The information provided is used at your own risk and we accept no liability for any use of the information provided. The information is not tailored to your individual situation, and you should conduct your own further research and consult an authorised financial advisor before making any investment decision. We are not responsible for the content of any other site linked to from this article.

Shimpling Chadacre is a pseudonym. You can subscribe to his Substack newsletter – Erisian Mysterees, where this article first appearedhere.

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academic-freedom-under-assault-at-imperial-collegeAcademic Freedom Under Assault at Imperial College