history:-reichstagsbrand-1933HIStory: Reichstagsbrand 1933
contergan-versus-corona-|-von-aggi-dunkelContergan versus Corona | Von Aggi Dunkel

‘Who wants to go for confrontation with the US?’ – Willy Wimmer on the AUKUS submarine deal

Published On: 21. September 2021 7:26

Veröffentlicht am: 21. September 2021 | Anzahl Kommentare: noch keine

Willy Wimmer, former vice-president of the OSCE and former State Secretary to Germany’s Defence Minister, shares his views on the recent pact between the UK, Australia and the US.


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Categories: KenFMTags: , , , , , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 71
history:-reichstagsbrand-1933HIStory: Reichstagsbrand 1933
contergan-versus-corona-|-von-aggi-dunkelContergan versus Corona | Von Aggi Dunkel