
‘MAJOR VICTORY FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY’: Cruz Praises SCOTUS Decision on Praying Coach

Published On: 27. Juni 2022 21:42

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) says the SCOTUS decision on praying high school football coach Joseph Kennedy is a “major victory for religious liberty.” The Lone Star State Republican shared his thoughts on Twitter.

“Today, the Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit’s decision that allowed Coach Kennedy, a high school football coach in the State of Washington, to be fired for silently kneeling and praying after his team’s games,” Cruz said.

“The legal question at the heart of this case was whether the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals got it right when they ruled that the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prevents government from establishing a religion, means that a government institution must fire a public employee who privately practices his or her faith if there’s a chance someone may interpret the individual’s expression of faith as government-endorsed religion,” Cruz continued.

“Not only is that conclusion patently absurd, it completely ignores the original understanding of the First Amendment and Supreme Court precedent. That’s what the Supreme Court corrected today.”

“It’s not some kind of disinfectant used to silence individuals who exercise their faith or to remove faith from the public square,” Cruz said. “Rather, both the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause are meant to operate in tandem to stop government from persecuting faith, as we saw the Bremerton School District do to Coach Kennedy.

“I am proud to be part of a group of 11 Senators and 14 Representatives that filed an amicus brief with the Court that argued in defense of Coach Kennedy’s free exercise of his faith. I’m thankful the Supreme Court fully enforced the First Amendment—in a major victory for religious liberty—and upheld our God-given right to practice our faith.”

Today, the Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit’s decision that allowed Coach Kennedy, a high school football coach in the State of Washington, to be fired for silently kneeling and praying after his team’s games. 1/x

— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) June 27, 2022

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