
‘I HAVE NO INTENTION OF STOPPING’: Soros Doubles Down on Financing Woke DAs in WSJ Op-Ed

Published On: 2. August 2022 17:31

Crime is running rampant in our nation’s largest cities —but George Soros doesn’t really care.

In a recent op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, Soros admits that he will continue to finance soft-on-crime District Attorneys because he believes “our system is rife with injustices that make us all less safe. The idea that we need to choose between justice and safety is false.”

“Some politicians and pundits have tried to blame recent spikes in crime on the policies of reform-minded prosecutors. The research I’ve seen says otherwise,” Soros insisted.

Here’s what The New York Post says about America’s woke DAs, contradicting Soros’ research.

Recently-deposed Chesa Boudin of San Francisco: violent crimes: up 4%, year to date; property crimes: up 8.2%, year to date; total crime rate: up 7.8%, year to date.

Alvin Bragg, Manhattan: major crime rate: up 43.2%, year to date.

George Gascón, Los Angeles: violent crimes: up 7.7%, year to date; property crimes: up 13.3%, year to date; total crime rate: up 11.9%, year to date.

Kim Foxx, Chicago: major crime rate: up 34%, year to date.

Larry Krasner, Philadelphia: violent crimes: up 6.3%, year to date; property crimes: up 27.1%, year to date; total crime rate: up 22.2%, year to date.

Kevin Hayden, Boston: violent crimes: up 4.4%, year to date; property crimes: up 4.8%, year to date; total crime rate: up 4.7%, year to date.

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