
JESSE SPARKS LIB MELTDOWN: Kelly Asks Men to List Hardest Thing About Their Wife’s Pregnancy

Published On: 5. August 2022 20:23

Jesse Kelly sparked a liberal meltdown on social media this week after he asked men to list the greatest obstacles and challenges they faced during their wives’ pregnancies. Some got in on the action:

“Men, What was the hardest thing for YOU about your wife’s pregnancy? Let’s get our stories out there. Go:” posted Kelly.

The maternity wards at hospitals provide basically no accommodations for fathers. I was forced to nap on a chair, which was made even more difficult by all the noises and commotion during the delivery. Extremely inconsiderate.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) August 3, 2022

“The maternity wards at hospitals provide basically no accommodations for fathers. I was forced to nap on a chair, which was made even more difficult by all the noises and commotion during the delivery. Extremely inconsiderate,” said The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh.

My husband ate BBQ while we watched „Meet the Parents“ and I ate ice chips. He brought me a stack of ribs after.

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 3, 2022

Her water broke at 4 am with our first son after I’d been out drinking late the night before. Really inconvenient timing by her. Not the kind of guy to brag or draw attention to himself, but really heroic performance by me that day.

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) August 3, 2022

A few nights ago, as my wife was laboring with my second son, the nurses wouldn’t let me smoke in the delivery room. (Wasn’t surprised given all the political correctness these days…) But then the little dictators wouldn’t even let me smoke in the maternity ward waiting room!

— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) August 3, 2022

Read the full thread above.

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