
‘A LOW-IQ TIKTOKER’: Fox Host Jimmy Failla Shreds AOC for Anti-Capitalism Rant

Published On: 23. September 2022 16:09

Fox Across America host Jimmy Failla blasted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Friday morning for the congresswoman’s recent video about the “burdens of capitalism.”

“There are quite a few countries that are really struggling because young people, under the burdens of capitalism, are not having kids. We’re not having kids at the same rate! We actually need immigrants to help balance things out,” explained the Congresswoman in a social media post on Wednesday.

Failla roasted AOC, calling her “a low-IQ TikToker who happens to serve Congress.”

FAILLA: You’ve always got to qualify this through the lens of, AOC is a low-IQ TikToker who happens to serve in Congress. Okay, when she says we need immigration because of Social Security and funding, stuff like that. Yes. But the caveat there is we need legal immigration, because legal immigration is what contributes to Social Security and funds the systems. What they’re encouraging on the Democratic side of town is anything but legal immigration. But going one step further, young people aren’t having kids. Yes, they’re waiting longer. But also, your party is championing the idea of not having kids as a badge, abort them. They’re walking around like that’s a badge of honor now. We went from abortion is safe, legal and rare to like ‘I’m so proud it’s abortion Tuesday.’

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