
TRUMP SUES CNN: The Donald is Claiming Defamation, Seeking $475 Million from the Failing Network

Published On: 4. Oktober 2022 1:11

Trump is coming for the house that Turner built.

According to s report from The New York Post, former President Donald Trump is suing CNN for defamation and seeking $475 million dollars in the process; CNN declined to comment on the case.

From The New York Post:

Trump, a Republican, claims in the 29-page lawsuit that CNN had a long track record of criticizing him but had ramped up its attacks in recent months because the network feared that he would run again for president in 2024.

“As a part of its concerted effort to tilt the political balance to the left, CNN has tried to taint the Plaintiff with a series of ever-more scandalous, false, and defamatory labels of ‘racist,’ ‘Russian lackey,’ ‘insurrectionist,’ and ultimately ‘Hitler,’” the lawsuit claims.

The lawsuit lists several instances in which CNN appeared to compare Trump to Hitler, including a January 2022 special report by host Fareed Zakaria that included footage of the German dictator.

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