chasing-the-white-whale:-an-epic-moment-in-literature,-and-a-tawdry-feat-of-character-assassination Chasing the White Whale: an epic moment in literature, and a tawdry feat of character assassination 
spirit-animalSpirit animal

Michael Settas talks about the NHI and why it may fail.

Published On: 30. Januar 2023 9:00

If you want to listen to previous podcasts they can be found on Chai FM at or click on ‘Authors’ and go to ‘Sara Gon’.

We present the podcasts of the weekly IRR Show on Chai FM. The show is broadcast live every Tuesday from 09h00 to 10h00 on Chai FM 101.9 and deals with the politics of the day and related issues. We also include an interview with an interesting guest .

If you want to listen to previous podcasts they can be found on Chai FM at or click on ‘Authors’ and go to ‘Sara Gon’.

Sara talks to Michael Settas (FMF Health Policy Unit) discusses the NHI and why it may fail.

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chasing-the-white-whale:-an-epic-moment-in-literature,-and-a-tawdry-feat-of-character-assassination Chasing the White Whale: an epic moment in literature, and a tawdry feat of character assassination 
spirit-animalSpirit animal