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Joe Biden Calls a Lid First Thing This Morning, Hasn’t Been Seen in Days Since Returning From Ireland

Published On: 17. April 2023 19:38

Joe Biden called a lid early Monday morning.

Fresh off four days in Ireland and a weekend at the beach, Biden called it a day already at 9 a.m.

— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) April 17, 2023

Biden returned from a 4-day trip to Ireland very late Friday night/early Saturday morning and he hasn’t been seen since.

Joe Biden’s crackhead son Hunter and grifter sister Valerie joined the president in Ireland.

Hunter Biden had to intervene several times to help his old man answer questions.

Hunter Biden at his father's side while President Joe Biden is greeted by children at Dublin Airport in Dublin, Ireland, on Wednesday.

Biden has nothing on his public schedule all day after a disastrous trip to Ireland and the media refuses to ask questions.

Earlier this month it was reported that the White House was limiting Joe Biden’s international travel because he’s just too old and feeble.

The long flights take a toll on him.

Joe Biden will skip the Coronation of King Charles in May because he is too old to do another overseas trip.

Categories: The Gateway PunditTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 24
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