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Unveiling the 2020 Election Scheme in Episode 1996

Published On: 21. April 2023 17:00


The 2020 US Presidential election was one of the most controversial in history, with allegations of voter fraud and irregularities being made by supporters of former President Donald Trump. However, a recent article by Rolling Stone magazine has shed new light on the events leading up to the election, and the role played by key players in the Trump campaign.

The Plot to Steal the Election

According to the Rolling Stone article, the Trump campaign had been planning to challenge the election results long before the votes were even cast. The campaign had reportedly hired a team of lawyers and political operatives to prepare for a legal battle over the election, and had even set up a „war room“ to coordinate their efforts.

The article also alleges that the Trump campaign had been working with a number of right-wing groups and individuals to spread disinformation about the election, including claims that mail-in voting was rife with fraud. These claims were later used by Trump and his supporters to challenge the election results, despite there being no evidence of widespread fraud.

The Role of Rudy Giuliani

One of the key players in the Trump campaign’s efforts to challenge the election results was former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. According to the Rolling Stone article, Giuliani had been working behind the scenes to gather evidence of voter fraud and irregularities, and had even set up a hotline for people to report alleged incidents of fraud.

However, many of the claims made by Giuliani and his team were later found to be baseless, and several of the lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign were dismissed by the courts. Giuliani himself has since been disbarred and is facing a number of legal challenges over his role in the election.


The Rolling Stone article provides a detailed account of the Trump campaign’s efforts to challenge the 2020 election results, and the role played by key players such as Rudy Giuliani. While many of the claims made by the campaign were later found to be baseless, they had a significant impact on public perception of the election, and helped to fuel the controversy and division that still exists today.

Despite the efforts of the Trump campaign, however, the election results were ultimately upheld by the courts and certified by Congress. While there may still be disagreements over the outcome of the election, it is important to remember that the democratic process was followed, and that the will of the people was ultimately respected

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Ep. 1996 The 2020 Election Plot Exposed

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Details to Ep. 1996 The 2020 Election Plot Exposed

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