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Chuck Todd Asserts Science Proves Existence of More Than Two Genders: LOL

Published On: 1. Mai 2023 17:14


Chuck Todd, the moderator of NBC’s Meet the Press, recently made a controversial statement on the show, claiming that science proves there are more than two genders. This statement has sparked a heated debate on social media and among the public, with many people questioning the validity of Todd’s claim.

The Controversy

During a segment on Meet the Press, Todd was discussing the issue of transgender rights and the Trump administration’s recent decision to roll back protections for transgender individuals. He stated that „science is settled“ on the issue of gender and that there are more than two genders.

This statement immediately drew criticism from many people, who argued that there are only two biological sexes – male and female – and that gender is a social construct that is not based on science. Some critics accused Todd of spreading misinformation and promoting a political agenda.

The Science of Gender

So, what does science actually say about the issue of gender? While there is no consensus among scientists on the exact number of genders, there is evidence to suggest that gender is more complex than a simple binary system.

For example, studies have shown that there are differences in brain structure and function between males and females, which may contribute to differences in behavior and cognition. Additionally, some individuals are born with intersex conditions, which means they have physical characteristics of both male and female sexes.

However, it is important to note that gender is not solely determined by biology. Social and cultural factors also play a significant role in shaping gender identity and expression. This means that individuals may identify as a gender that is different from their biological sex, and that gender can be fluid and change over time.


In conclusion, Chuck Todd’s statement that science proves there are more than two genders has sparked a heated debate on the issue of gender and its relationship to science. While there is evidence to suggest that gender is more complex than a simple binary system, there is no consensus among scientists on the exact number of genders.

It is important to approach this issue with an open mind and a willingness to listen to different perspectives. By doing so, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or expression

Original article Teaser

Lol: Chuck Todd Claims Science Proves There's More Than Two Genders

NBC’s Chuck Todd went to war with reality while interviewing Vivek Ramaswamy.  During a discussion on banning transgender surgeries for minors, Todd appeared perplexed that anyone could possibly oppose the chemical castration of minors, asking  “How do you know [you’re right about this]? Are you confident that you know that gender is as binary as you’re describing it? Are you confident?”  “I am,” Ramaswamy replied to the easiest question he’d ever been asked in his life. Todd then asked Ramaswany, who has a degree in biology and founded a biopharmaceutical company, if he knows this “as a scientist.”   When Ramaswamy attempted to explain what chromosomes are, Todd chimed in to claim that “There is a lot of scientific research that

Details to Lol: Chuck Todd Claims Science Proves There's More Than Two Genders

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