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Antony Blinken State Department’s Censorship Efforts Under Increased Scrutiny by House GOP

Published On: 2. Mai 2023 16:04


The House GOP has intensified its investigation into the State Department’s censorship efforts under the leadership of Antony Blinken. The investigation is aimed at determining whether the State Department has been censoring information that could be damaging to the Biden administration. The investigation comes after several reports of censorship by the State Department, including the removal of a video that featured Blinken discussing the origins of COVID-19.

The Investigation

The House GOP has requested documents and information from the State Department related to its censorship efforts. The investigation is being led by Rep. Michael McCaul, the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. McCaul has accused the State Department of engaging in „systematic censorship“ and has called for a full investigation into the matter.

The investigation is focused on several areas, including the removal of the COVID-19 video, the censorship of information related to the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, and the censorship of information related to the origins of COVID-19. The House GOP is also looking into whether the State Department has been pressuring social media companies to censor information that could be damaging to the Biden administration.

The State Department’s Response

The State Department has denied any wrongdoing and has stated that it is committed to transparency and the free flow of information. In a statement, a State Department spokesperson said, „The Department of State is committed to the free flow of information and transparency. We have not engaged in any systematic censorship of information, and we will continue to provide accurate and timely information to the American people.“

The State Department has also stated that the removal of the COVID-19 video was due to a technical error and that it was not removed for political reasons. The video was later restored to the State Department’s website. The State Department has also denied pressuring social media companies to censor information.


The House GOP’s investigation into the State Department’s censorship efforts is ongoing, and it remains to be seen what the investigation will uncover. The investigation comes at a time when there is growing concern about censorship and the suppression of information by the government and social media companies. The House GOP’s investigation is an important step in ensuring that the government remains transparent and accountable to the American people

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House GOP Ramps Up Investigation Into Antony Blinken State Department’s Censorship Efforts

House Republicans are expanding their investigation into State Department efforts to censor their critics in the name of fighting so-called “disinformation.”  According to the Washington Examiner:  House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan issued subpoenas to the heads of three federal agencies, including the State Department-housed Global Engagement Center (GEC) interagency, with the aim of uncovering government coordination with social media companies on content moderation. Now, House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans are asking the GEC for records on grants to entities tied to efforts to fight „disinformation“ and „misinformation,“ citing various lucrative awards in recent years, according to a Monday letter sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and obtained by the Washington Examiner. The letter, led by Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman

Details to House GOP Ramps Up Investigation Into Antony Blinken State Department’s Censorship Efforts

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