
UK’s response to covid has cost each citizen more than £6,000 but the impacts on the poor and vulnerable have been far worse

Published On: 5. Mai 2023 15:50

H2: Overview
The article “UK’s response to Covid has cost each citizen more than £6,000 but the impacts on the poor and vulnerable have been far worse” focuses on the cost of the UK’s response to Covid-19 and the disproportionate impact it has had on vulnerable citizens. It highlights the latest figures from tax and spending watchdog the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), which show that the cost of the government’s response to Covid-19 is estimated to be between £192 billion-£280 billion, suggesting each person in the UK has been affected by a bill of at least £6,000.

H2: Impact on the Poor and Vulnerable
The article argues that the true costs of the UK’s response to Covid-19 are likely to be disproportionately felt by the poor and vulnerable, as they are less likely to have the financial cushion necessary to mitigate the impacts of the looming economic crisis. The article cites the OBR’s recent report which outlines the impacts that Covid-19 is expected to have on the UK economy in terms of factors such as unemployment, debt, and inflation. The report estimates that about three million jobs are likely to be lost as a result of the pandemic and that public sector debt is predicted to reach 100% of GDP by 2022. The article notes that these costs could have even worse impacts on the poor and vulnerable, and calls for the government to develop a long-term plan for the distribution of the costs of the crisis instead of relying solely on short-term measures.

H2: Government Response
The article then looks at the government’s response to the crisis, highlighting the additional £280 million allocated to provide support for vulnerable citizens, the £1.6 billion increase to welfare and disability benefits, and the £19 billion provided to in support to businesses. However, it argues that despite these measures, the government has been too slow to act and has failed to address the needs of the most vulnerable in a timely manner.

H2: Conclusion
In conclusion, the article argues that the UK’s response to Covid-19 has been costly for all citizens, with a bill of at least £6,000 for every person, but that it is the poor and vulnerable who are likely to be hit hardest by the costs of the crisis. It calls for a long-term plan to be developed to ensure the costs of the crisis are shared more evenly, and highlights the need for the government to act quickly to ensure the most vulnerable are protected

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UK’s response to covid has cost each citizen more than £6,000 but the impacts on the poor and vulnerable have been far worse

Breaking News A briefing published in the UK House of Commons Library on 26 April summarised how much the covid “pandemic” has cost the British taxpayer.  The total bill related to direct out-of-the-ordinary expenditure of between £310 billion to £410 billion.  If one can trust Office for National Statistics (“ONS”) population estimates, this works out

Details to UK’s response to covid has cost each citizen more than £6,000 but the impacts on the poor and vulnerable have been far worse

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