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At This Stage in Their Presidency, Biden Holds the Record for Lowest Approval Rating Among Presidents

Published On: 8. Mai 2023 16:20


According to a recent poll conducted by ABC News and The Washington Post, President Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating of any president at this stage in their presidency since the 1940s. The poll found that only 51% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance, while 44% disapprove. This is a significant drop from his approval rating in April, which was at 63%.

Reasons for the Drop in Approval Rating

There are several reasons why Biden’s approval rating has dropped in recent months. One of the main reasons is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the rollout of vaccines, the Delta variant has caused a surge in cases and hospitalizations across the country. Many Americans are frustrated with the continued impact of the pandemic on their daily lives and are looking for someone to blame.

Another factor that has contributed to Biden’s declining approval rating is the situation in Afghanistan. The chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country and the Taliban’s rapid takeover have led to criticism of Biden’s handling of the situation. Many Americans are concerned about the safety of U.S. citizens and Afghan allies who were left behind.

Finally, Biden’s domestic agenda has faced significant opposition from Republicans and some moderate Democrats. His proposed infrastructure bill and social spending plan have been met with resistance from those who believe they are too expensive and will lead to inflation. This opposition has made it difficult for Biden to pass his legislative agenda, which has frustrated some of his supporters.

What Biden Can Do to Improve His Approval Rating

Despite his low approval rating, there are several things that Biden can do to improve his standing with the American people. One of the most important things he can do is to continue to address the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes promoting vaccination and implementing policies that will help slow the spread of the virus.

Biden can also work to improve the situation in Afghanistan by ensuring the safe evacuation of U.S. citizens and Afghan allies who were left behind. He can also work to provide support to those who have been displaced by the conflict.

Finally, Biden can work to build support for his domestic agenda by reaching out to Republicans and moderate Democrats. He can also work to communicate the benefits of his proposed policies to the American people, highlighting how they will help to improve their lives.


In conclusion, Biden’s low approval rating is a cause for concern, but it is not necessarily a sign that his presidency is doomed to failure. By addressing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, improving the situation in Afghanistan, and building support for his domestic agenda, Biden can work to improve his standing with the American people. It remains to be seen whether he will be successful in these efforts, but it is clear that he has a lot of work to do if he wants to improve his approval rating and build a successful presidency

Original article Teaser

Biden Has LOWEST Approval of Any President at This Stage in Their Presidency

Just over two years into his Presidency, Joe Biden is setting new approval records – for the worst. It was only two weeks ago that Biden officially announced a reelection campaign that even 75% of Democrats didn’t want – and now Biden’s approval among all voters has hit a record low both for his own presidency, and all presidencies at this point in their first term.    According to a report from ABC, “Biden is facing his lowest approval rating yet, and trailing behind top Republican contenders in a potential 2024 matchup. A new ABC News/Washington Post poll found that 36% of Americans approve of the president – not only his career row, but numerically, the lowest on record for any

Details to Biden Has LOWEST Approval of Any President at This Stage in Their Presidency

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