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Biden Continues to Struggle Against Teleprompter in Latest Battle

Published On: 9. Mai 2023 16:57


The use of teleprompters in political speeches has been a topic of debate for years. Some argue that it helps politicians stay on message and deliver their speeches more effectively, while others believe it makes them appear scripted and insincere. However, in the case of Joe Biden, the use of a teleprompter has become a point of contention for his opponents, who claim that he is unable to deliver a speech without one. Despite these criticisms, Biden has continued to use a teleprompter in his public appearances, and it has yet to significantly impact his popularity or effectiveness as a candidate.

The Teleprompter Controversy

The controversy surrounding Biden’s use of a teleprompter began during the Democratic National Convention, where he delivered his acceptance speech with the aid of a teleprompter. This led to accusations from President Trump and his supporters that Biden was unable to deliver a speech without assistance, and that he was being propped up by his handlers. Trump himself has been known to use a teleprompter during his speeches, but he has not faced the same level of criticism as Biden.

Despite the criticism, Biden has continued to use a teleprompter in his public appearances, including during his recent town hall event with CNN. During the event, Biden was able to answer questions from the audience and deliver his responses with ease, despite the use of a teleprompter. This has led some to argue that the controversy surrounding his use of a teleprompter is unfounded, and that it has not had a significant impact on his ability to connect with voters.

The Impact on the Election

The use of a teleprompter is unlikely to have a significant impact on the outcome of the election, as it is a common tool used by politicians of all stripes. However, the controversy surrounding Biden’s use of a teleprompter has become a talking point for his opponents, who are looking for any way to discredit him. This has led to a broader debate about the role of teleprompters in political speeches, and whether they help or hinder politicians in their efforts to connect with voters.

Despite the controversy, Biden remains a popular candidate among Democrats, and he has consistently led in the polls throughout the election cycle. His use of a teleprompter has not significantly impacted his popularity or effectiveness as a candidate, and it is unlikely to do so in the future. Ultimately, the use of a teleprompter is just one tool in a politician’s arsenal, and its impact on the election is likely to be minimal

Original article Teaser

Teleprompter Remains Undefeated in Battle vs. Biden

Joe Biden had his latest teleprompter flub on Monday during a White House screening for the upcoming Disney show “American Born Chinese.”  “I honored a group of trailblazing artists with National Medals of Arts and Humanities.The group included groundbreaking Asian Americans like Vera Wang and Joan Shingan…” Biden began to say, as he realized he had no idea how to pronounce producer Joan Shigekawa’s name. “Excuse me, I need to make sure I’m pronouncing that right. Shana…kuh…kowala. I think I pronounced that right.” He then joked “she can call me Joe Bidden.” Amusingly, this isn’t even the first time this happened with the same person. Back on March 21 Biden awarded Shigekawa the National Medal of Arts, where he praised

Details to Teleprompter Remains Undefeated in Battle vs. Biden

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