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Charles “The Great Reset” King and Global Britain using the Commonwealth, Five Eyes and City of London to exert influence

Published On: 9. Mai 2023 9:30


Charles King, a professor of international affairs and government at Georgetown University, has been advocating for a „Great Reset“ in global politics. This reset would involve a shift in power from the United States to a coalition of countries led by the United Kingdom, using the Commonwealth, Five Eyes, and City of London to exert influence.

The Great Reset

King’s idea of a Great Reset is based on the premise that the United States is in decline and that a new global order is emerging. He argues that the UK, with its historical ties to the Commonwealth and its position as a leader in the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, is well-positioned to take advantage of this shift.

The Commonwealth, a group of 54 countries that were once part of the British Empire, is seen as a potential source of economic and political power for the UK. The Five Eyes alliance, which includes the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, is a powerful intelligence-sharing network that could be used to advance British interests.

The City of London, the UK’s financial center, is also seen as a key tool in the Great Reset. King argues that the City’s global reach and influence could be used to promote British economic interests and to shape the global financial system.

Global Britain

King’s vision of a Great Reset is part of a broader strategy known as „Global Britain.“ This strategy, which was first announced by the UK government in 2017, aims to position the UK as a global leader in trade, security, and diplomacy.

The Global Britain strategy is based on the idea that the UK can use its historical ties and global reach to build new partnerships and alliances. This includes strengthening ties with the Commonwealth, expanding the Five Eyes alliance, and building new relationships with countries in Asia and the Middle East.

The Role of the Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is seen as a key part of the Global Britain strategy. The UK government has been working to strengthen ties with Commonwealth countries, including through trade agreements and diplomatic initiatives.

King argues that the Commonwealth could be used to promote British economic interests and to build new alliances. He suggests that the UK could use its position as a leader in the Commonwealth to shape the organization’s agenda and to promote British values and interests.

The Five Eyes Alliance

The Five Eyes alliance is another key tool in the Great Reset. This intelligence-sharing network is seen as a powerful tool for advancing British interests and for shaping global politics.

King argues that the UK could use its position in the Five Eyes alliance to build new partnerships and to promote British values and interests. He suggests that the UK could work to expand the alliance to include new members, such as Japan and South Korea.

The City of London

The City of London is also seen as a key part of the Great Reset. King argues that the City’s global reach and influence could be used to promote British economic interests and to shape the global financial system.

He suggests that the UK could use the City to build new partnerships and to promote British values and interests. This could include working to shape international financial regulations and to promote the use of the pound sterling as a global currency.


King’s vision of a Great Reset is based on the idea that the UK can use its historical ties and global reach to build new partnerships and alliances. This includes strengthening ties with the Commonwealth, expanding the Five Eyes alliance, and using the City of London to promote British economic interests.

While some may view this vision as a return to the UK’s imperial past, King argues that it is a necessary response to the changing global order. He suggests that the UK can use its position as a leader in these organizations to shape the future of global politics and to promote British values and interests

Original article Teaser

Charles “The Great Reset” King and Global Britain using the Commonwealth, Five Eyes and City of London to exert influence

Breaking News This week, Charles was crowned King of the United Kingdom and the other 14 Commonwealth realms. But that is not all. He has also become head of the British Commonwealth, head of the Anglican Church, and spokesman for a program dubbed “Global Britain.” Since 1833, Global Britain has been managed by a pseudo-private system of Crown Agents today named ‘Crown Agents for Overseas Government and Administration’. This vast body exists as a semi-official status and describes itself as “an emanation of the crown.” The agency is partnered with the World Bank, United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  It acts as a giant holding company with one shareholder called the Crown Agents Foundation based in Southwark

Details to Charles “The Great Reset” King and Global Britain using the Commonwealth, Five Eyes and City of London to exert influence

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russland:-der-traurige-tag-des-siegesRussland: Der traurige Tag des Sieges
tuesday-live-show:-the-globalist-war-against-reality-continues,-but-their-gameplan-is-exposedTuesday Live Show: The Globalist War Against Reality Continues, But Their Gameplan Is Exposed