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I Keep Hearing This

Published On: 9. Mai 2023 17:28

Article Title: I Keep Hearing This

The article “I Keep Hearing This” is a piece that discusses the phenomenon of earworms, which are those catchy tunes that get stuck in your head and play on repeat. The author, James Hamblin, explores the science behind earworms and why they happen.

What are Earworms?

Earworms are those songs that get stuck in your head and play on repeat. They are often catchy tunes that you hear on the radio or in a commercial. Earworms can be annoying, but they can also be enjoyable. Some people even seek out earworms to help them focus or to lift their mood.

Why Do Earworms Happen?

The science behind earworms is not fully understood, but there are some theories. One theory is that earworms are a result of the brain trying to complete a pattern. When we hear a catchy tune, our brain tries to predict what comes next. If the brain can’t predict the next note, it keeps playing the tune over and over until it can complete the pattern.

Another theory is that earworms are a result of our brain’s reward system. When we hear a catchy tune, our brain releases dopamine, which is a feel-good chemical. The more we hear the tune, the more dopamine is released, which reinforces the behavior of listening to the tune.

How to Get Rid of Earworms?

Getting rid of earworms can be difficult, but there are some strategies that may help. One strategy is to distract yourself with a different activity. This can help to break the pattern of the earworm and give your brain something else to focus on.

Another strategy is to listen to the earworm all the way through. This can help to satisfy the brain’s need to complete the pattern and may make the earworm less persistent.


Earworms are a common phenomenon that can be both annoying and enjoyable. The science behind earworms is not fully understood, but there are some theories. Earworms may be a result of the brain trying to complete a pattern or a result of our brain’s reward system. Getting rid of earworms can be difficult, but there are some strategies that may help

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I Keep Hearing This

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pakistan:-ex-premierminister-imran-khan-wegen-korruptionsverdachts-festgenommenPakistan: Ex-Premierminister Imran Khan wegen Korruptionsverdachts festgenommen
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