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LEAKED TUCKER VIDEO: People With Pronouns in Their Bio ‘Shouldn’t Work Here’

Published On: 9. Mai 2023 18:42


Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been caught on camera making controversial comments about people who include their preferred pronouns in their social media bios. The video was leaked by the left-wing media watchdog group Media Matters for America.

The Controversial Comments

In the video, Carlson can be heard saying, “If you’re a grown-up, and you’re using the word ‘they’ as your pronoun, you should get a hobby. That’s not a pronoun, it’s an adjective. It’s like saying, ‘I’m a vegan,’ or, ‘I’m a libertarian.’ It tells you something about the person, but it doesn’t tell you anything about the person’s sex.”

Carlson went on to say that people who include their preferred pronouns in their social media bios “shouldn’t work here,” referring to Fox News. He also criticized the idea of gender-neutral bathrooms, saying, “I’m not sharing a bathroom with a man dressed like a woman.”


The comments have been widely criticized by LGBTQ+ advocacy groups and others who see them as discriminatory. The Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBTQ+ advocacy group in the US, called Carlson’s comments “transphobic and unacceptable.”

In response to the controversy, Fox News released a statement saying, “We cannot and will not allow voices like Tucker Carlson to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts from the likes of Media Matters.”


The controversy surrounding Carlson’s comments highlights the ongoing debate over gender identity and the use of preferred pronouns. While some people see the inclusion of preferred pronouns in social media bios as a way to promote inclusivity and respect for gender identity, others see it as unnecessary and even harmful.

Critics of preferred pronouns argue that they are confusing and can lead to misunderstandings, particularly in professional settings. They also argue that the use of preferred pronouns is a form of political correctness that is being forced on people.

Supporters of preferred pronouns, on the other hand, argue that they are a simple way to show respect for people’s gender identity and to create a more inclusive society. They also argue that the use of preferred pronouns is not a political issue, but a matter of basic human decency.


The controversy surrounding Tucker Carlson’s comments highlights the ongoing debate over gender identity and the use of preferred pronouns. While some people see the inclusion of preferred pronouns in social media bios as a way to promote inclusivity and respect for gender identity, others see it as unnecessary and even harmful. Regardless of one’s position on the issue, it is important to remember that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their gender identity

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LEAKED TUCKER VIDEO: People With Pronouns in Their Bio ‘Shouldn’t Work Here’

Far-left advocacy group Media Matters has released a new behind-the-scenes video where former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, suggests that people with pronouns in their Twitter bios should not work at the cable news network. Watch the video below: Carlson’s statement came during a discussion with his executive producer Justin Wells about leaks from within the company that, he believed, might have come from left-wing employees. “I talked to her at great length. It was actually pretty funny,” Carlson says about an unnamed Fox News executive. “I was like, she’s got a lot of liberals working over there. And, you know, they see this as war and we’re the main force on the other side.” “That’s crazy,” he continues. “If

Details to LEAKED TUCKER VIDEO: People With Pronouns in Their Bio ‘Shouldn’t Work Here’

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