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FLASHBACK: UN Document Reveals Plan To Flood America With 600 Million Migrants

Published On: 10. Mai 2023 15:42


A United Nations document has been discovered that reveals a plan to flood America with 600 million migrants. The document, titled „Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?“, was published by the UN Population Division in 2001. The plan outlines a strategy to bring in hundreds of millions of migrants to the United States in order to replace the aging population and maintain economic growth.

The Plan

The plan proposes that the United States should bring in 600 million migrants over the next 50 years in order to maintain the current population level. The document argues that this is necessary due to the declining birth rate and aging population in the United States. The plan suggests that the migrants should come from countries with high birth rates, such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

The Impact

The plan would have a significant impact on the United States. The influx of 600 million migrants would completely change the demographic makeup of the country. It would also put a strain on the country’s infrastructure, including housing, healthcare, and education. The plan would also have a significant impact on the economy, as the new migrants would need jobs and would require significant investment in order to integrate into American society.

The Reaction

The plan has been met with significant criticism from many Americans. Some argue that the plan would lead to a loss of American identity and culture, while others argue that it would put a strain on the country’s resources. There are also concerns about the impact that such a large influx of migrants would have on the job market and wages.

The Future

While the plan outlined in the UN document has not been implemented, the issue of immigration remains a contentious one in the United States. The country continues to debate the best way to manage immigration, with some advocating for stricter controls and others arguing for more open borders. The issue is likely to remain a key political issue for many years to come.


The UN document outlining a plan to flood America with 600 million migrants has caused significant controversy. While the plan has not been implemented, it highlights the ongoing debate about immigration in the United States. The issue is likely to remain a contentious one for many years to come, as the country grapples with the challenges of an aging population and declining birth rates

Original article Teaser

FLASHBACK: UN Document Reveals Plan To Flood America With 600 Million Migrants

With the migrant surge currently on America’s Southern Border, Infowars has decided to republish this 2018 article by Paul Joseph Watson that raised alarm over a UN document admitting to “replacement migration.” Original article below: A 2001 UN strategy document is getting fresh attention in light of the migrant crisis because it outlines the need to flood America and Europe with hundreds of millions of migrants in order to maintain population levels. Entitled ‘Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?‘, the plan seeks to “offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.” It contends that mass migration to the west is needed for governments to maintain “many established economic, social and political

Details to FLASHBACK: UN Document Reveals Plan To Flood America With 600 Million Migrants

Categories: Infowars, QuellenTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 37
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