eda-staatssekretaerin-livia-leu-fuehrt-politische-gespraeche-mit-kosovoEDA-Staatssekretärin Livia Leu führt politische Gespräche mit Kosovo
Florida approves K-12 social studies textbooks after pressing publishers to tweak content

HOLD MY BUD LIGHT: Republicans Play Chicken with the Debt Limit | Steve Berman

Published On: 10. Mai 2023 2:22


In this article, Steve Berman discusses the ongoing debate among Republicans over the debt limit. He argues that Republicans are playing a dangerous game of chicken with the debt limit, and that this could have serious consequences for the economy.

The Debt Limit

The debt limit is a legal limit on the amount of money that the US government can borrow. It was first introduced in 1917, and has been raised many times since then. The current debt limit is $28.5 trillion.

The Debate Among Republicans

There is currently a debate among Republicans over whether or not to raise the debt limit. Some Republicans argue that raising the debt limit would be irresponsible, and that it would encourage the government to spend more money than it can afford. Others argue that failing to raise the debt limit could have serious consequences for the economy, and that it could lead to a default on US debt.

The Consequences of Failing to Raise the Debt Limit

If the US government fails to raise the debt limit, it would be unable to borrow money to pay its bills. This could lead to a default on US debt, which would have serious consequences for the economy. It could lead to a sharp increase in interest rates, which would make it more expensive for businesses and individuals to borrow money. It could also lead to a decline in the value of the US dollar, which would make imports more expensive and could lead to inflation.

The Danger of Playing Chicken

Berman argues that Republicans are playing a dangerous game of chicken with the debt limit. He argues that by refusing to raise the debt limit, Republicans are risking a default on US debt, which could have serious consequences for the economy. He also argues that Republicans are risking a political backlash, as voters may blame them for any economic problems that result from a failure to raise the debt limit.

The Need for Compromise

Berman argues that the only way to avoid a default on US debt is for Republicans and Democrats to come together and reach a compromise. He argues that Republicans need to be willing to raise the debt limit, while Democrats need to be willing to make spending cuts. He also argues that both parties need to be willing to work together to find a long-term solution to the problem of the national debt.


In conclusion, Berman argues that Republicans are playing a dangerous game of chicken with the debt limit, and that this could have serious consequences for the economy. He argues that the only way to avoid a default on US debt is for Republicans and Democrats to come together and reach a compromise. He also argues that both parties need to be willing to work together to find a long-term solution to the problem of the national debt

Original article Teaser

HOLD MY BUD LIGHT: Republicans Play Chicken with the Debt Limit | Steve Berman

President Joe Biden is unpopular. He has been unpopular since he botched our exit from Afghanistan, which seems so long ago that it happened in a different decade. Possibly the only Democrat more unpopular than Biden is his own Vice President and running made, Kamala Harris—at least since Krysten Sinema left the party. Not to be outdone, because it’s clearly unacceptable to be in third place behind Donald Trump (who just lost $5 million in a jury trial for sexually assaulting an advice columnist 27 years ago) and George Santos (who has now been charged by federal prosecutors, who lined up blindfolded to pick his crimes out of a fishbowl) congressional Republicans are doing the “hold my Bud Light” routine with the debt limit. It’s another debt ceiling

Details to HOLD MY BUD LIGHT: Republicans Play Chicken with the Debt Limit | Steve Berman

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eda-staatssekretaerin-livia-leu-fuehrt-politische-gespraeche-mit-kosovoEDA-Staatssekretärin Livia Leu führt politische Gespräche mit Kosovo
Florida approves K-12 social studies textbooks after pressing publishers to tweak content