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Japan’s Masked Children: A Tragic Reality

Published On: 10. Mai 2023 8:00


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected people worldwide, and Japan is no exception. The country has been dealing with the virus since early 2020, and the government has implemented various measures to control its spread. One of these measures is the use of masks, which has become a common sight in Japan. However, the use of masks has also had unintended consequences, particularly for children.

The Tragedy of Japan’s Masked Children

An article published in The New York Times highlights the impact of masks on Japanese children. According to the article, many children in Japan are suffering from physical and emotional problems due to the prolonged use of masks. The masks are causing skin irritation, headaches, and difficulty breathing, among other issues. Moreover, the masks are also affecting children’s social and emotional development, as they cannot see each other’s facial expressions and are unable to communicate effectively.

The article also notes that the use of masks has led to an increase in bullying and discrimination against children. Some children are being bullied for wearing masks, while others are being bullied for not wearing them. The masks have become a symbol of fear and anxiety, and children are being stigmatized for wearing them. This has led to a rise in mental health problems among children, including anxiety and depression.

The Government’s Response

The Japanese government has acknowledged the impact of masks on children and has taken some steps to address the issue. In August 2020, the government issued guidelines for schools on how to manage the use of masks among students. The guidelines recommend that masks should be worn only when necessary and that breaks should be given to students to remove their masks and take a breath. The guidelines also suggest that teachers should pay attention to students‘ physical and emotional health and provide support when needed.

However, some experts believe that the government’s response is not enough. They argue that the guidelines are not being followed consistently, and that more needs to be done to protect children’s health and well-being. Some experts have called for the government to provide more support to schools and families, including mental health services and financial assistance.


In conclusion, the use of masks in Japan has had unintended consequences for children, including physical and emotional problems, social and emotional development issues, and an increase in bullying and discrimination. While the government has taken some steps to address the issue, more needs to be done to protect children’s health and well-being. It is essential to find a balance between controlling the spread of the virus and ensuring that children’s rights and needs are met. As the pandemic continues, it is crucial to monitor the impact of masks on children and take appropriate measures to mitigate any negative effects

Original article Teaser

The Tragedy of Japan’s Masked Children

When the Japanese academic year started last month, students were no longer required to wear masks at school. But when 1,328 Japanese kids were asked whether they’d still keep masking from the beginning of the new school year, they inevitably gave depressing responses. 68% said they’d be wearing a mask anyway; just 5% said they wouldn’t. 27% said they’d wait and see what others were doing. Even more depressing were the reasons for saying ‘Yes’. 35% said they did want to show their face; 20% that they were still worried about COVID-19. Only 7% said it was due to peer pressure. A teacher at a high school in Osaka described the situation during the first month of optional masking. We put up posters in

Details to The Tragedy of Japan’s Masked Children

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