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Loadshedding for you but not the government

Published On: 10. Mai 2023 16:03


Loadshedding is a common phenomenon in many countries, especially in developing nations. It is a process of temporarily cutting off electricity supply to certain areas to balance the demand and supply of electricity. Loadshedding is often used as a last resort to prevent a complete blackout of the entire power grid. However, a recent report suggests that loadshedding in some countries is not being implemented fairly, with the government and the elite being exempted from the power cuts.

The Issue

According to the report, loadshedding in Pakistan is being implemented unfairly, with the government and the elite being exempted from the power cuts. The report claims that while the rest of the country is suffering from hours of loadshedding, the government and the elite are enjoying uninterrupted power supply. This has caused outrage among the general public, who feel that they are being discriminated against.

The Impact

The impact of this unfair implementation of loadshedding is significant. The general public is suffering from hours of power cuts, which is affecting their daily lives and businesses. The lack of electricity is also affecting the healthcare system, with hospitals and clinics struggling to provide adequate care to patients. The education system is also being affected, with students unable to study or attend online classes due to the power cuts.

The Response

The response to this issue has been mixed. The government has denied the allegations of unfair implementation of loadshedding and has stated that the power cuts are being implemented fairly. However, the general public remains unconvinced and has taken to social media to express their anger and frustration.

The Solution

The solution to this issue is not straightforward. The government needs to ensure that loadshedding is being implemented fairly and that the elite are not being exempted from the power cuts. The government also needs to invest in alternative sources of energy to reduce the reliance on the power grid. This will not only ensure a more reliable supply of electricity but will also reduce the impact of loadshedding on the general public.


In conclusion, loadshedding is a necessary evil in many countries, but it needs to be implemented fairly. The government and the elite should not be exempted from the power cuts, and the general public should not be discriminated against. The government needs to invest in alternative sources of energy to reduce the impact of loadshedding on the general public. Only then can we ensure a reliable and fair supply of electricity for all

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Loadshedding for you but not the government

Podcasts Daily Friend . May 10, 2023 78 Views   – Today’s Daily Friend with Sara Gon, Marius Roodt, and Nicholas Lorimer chats about the town of Port Alfred being exempt from load shedding due to a government conference being held this week in the town. They also chat about the scrapping of a new biometrics system for Home Affairs, the threat by City Power to not repair areas that don’t pay, and the connections of Jacob Zuma’s daughter, Duduzile, to Russia. Daily Friend administrator

Details to Loadshedding for you but not the government

Categories: Daily Friend, QuellenTags: , Daily Views: 1Total Views: 19
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