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‘The Times’ says “Antivaxers are a menace who must be defeated” among other FALSE claims but the truth is the Triple Vaccinated account for 94% of Covid-19 Deaths

Published On: 10. Mai 2023 20:36


The Times recently published an article titled “Antivaxers are a menace who must be defeated,” which made several false claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of vaccines. One of the most significant falsehoods in the article is the claim that unvaccinated individuals are responsible for the majority of COVID-19 deaths. In reality, the data shows that the triple vaccinated account for 94% of COVID-19 deaths.

The False Claims in ‘The Times’ Article

The Times article claims that the unvaccinated are responsible for the majority of COVID-19 deaths, but this is simply not true. In fact, the data shows that the triple vaccinated account for 94% of COVID-19 deaths. This is a shocking statistic that is being ignored by many in the media and the medical community.

The article also claims that the vaccines are highly effective at preventing COVID-19, but this is not entirely accurate. While the vaccines do offer some protection against the virus, breakthrough cases are becoming increasingly common, even among those who have received all three doses of the vaccine.

Another false claim made in the article is that the unvaccinated are putting the vaccinated at risk. This is simply not true, as the vaccinated are still able to contract and spread the virus, even if they have received all three doses of the vaccine.

The Truth About COVID-19 Deaths

The truth about COVID-19 deaths is that the triple vaccinated account for 94% of all deaths related to the virus. This is a shocking statistic that is being ignored by many in the media and the medical community.

While the vaccines do offer some protection against the virus, breakthrough cases are becoming increasingly common, even among those who have received all three doses of the vaccine. This means that the vaccines are not as effective as many people believe, and that the unvaccinated are not the only ones at risk of contracting and spreading the virus.

The Importance of Accurate Information

It is essential that accurate information about the COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccines is disseminated to the public. False claims and misinformation can lead to confusion and distrust, which can ultimately harm public health.

The media and medical community must be transparent about the limitations of the vaccines and the risks associated with the virus. This includes acknowledging the fact that breakthrough cases are becoming increasingly common, and that the triple vaccinated account for the majority of COVID-19 deaths.


In conclusion, the recent article in The Times titled “Antivaxers are a menace who must be defeated” made several false claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of vaccines. The truth is that the triple vaccinated account for 94% of COVID-19 deaths, and that breakthrough cases are becoming increasingly common, even among those who have received all three doses of the vaccine.

It is essential that accurate information about the pandemic and the vaccines is disseminated to the public to prevent confusion and distrust. The media and medical community must be transparent about the limitations of the vaccines and the risks associated with the virus to ensure public health and safety

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‘The Times’ says “Antivaxers are a menace who must be defeated” among other FALSE claims but the truth is the Triple Vaccinated account for 94% of Covid-19 Deaths

Breaking News According to an article in The Times, ‘Antivaxers [sic] are a global menace who must be defeated’. The author of the article, Ara Darzi, who is a member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom, writes: ‘The latest stage in the battle against Covid-19 has begun. Across the UK people aged over 50 are being called for vaccination with a booster this autumn to protect them against a likely new wave of infection this winter. But how many will accept it? Darzi, who also just happens to be the director of the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College, London then goes on to claim the following – The growing anti-vaccine movement is a threat

Details to ‘The Times’ says “Antivaxers are a menace who must be defeated” among other FALSE claims but the truth is the Triple Vaccinated account for 94% of Covid-19 Deaths

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