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American Told Where He Cannot Stand During Border Press Conference Due to Uncleanliness

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 15:38


During a press conference at the US-Mexico border, a member of the American press was told where he could and could not stand by a Mexican official. The incident occurred as US Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, and Mexican Secretary of the Interior, Alfonso Navarrete Prida, were holding a joint press conference at the border. The American journalist was standing in an area that the Mexican official deemed to be on Mexican soil, and was asked to move to a different location.

The incident highlights the ongoing tensions between the US and Mexico over border security and immigration. The Trump administration has been pushing for a border wall to be built between the two countries, and has implemented a controversial policy of separating families who cross the border illegally. Mexico has been critical of these policies, and has refused to pay for the construction of the wall.

The incident also raises questions about press freedom and the ability of journalists to report on events without interference. The American journalist in question was simply trying to do his job and report on the press conference, but was prevented from doing so by the Mexican official. This is not the first time that journalists have faced obstacles in reporting on the border, and it is likely that such incidents will continue as tensions between the US and Mexico remain high.


The US-Mexico border has been a contentious issue for many years, with both countries struggling to find a solution to the problem of illegal immigration. The Trump administration has made border security a top priority, and has taken a hardline stance on immigration. This has led to a number of controversial policies, including the separation of families who cross the border illegally.

Mexico has been critical of these policies, and has refused to pay for the construction of a border wall. The country has also taken steps to protect the rights of Mexican citizens living in the US, and has provided legal assistance to those who have been affected by the Trump administration’s policies.


The incident at the US-Mexico border highlights the ongoing tensions between the two countries over border security and immigration. It also raises questions about press freedom and the ability of journalists to report on events without interference. As tensions continue to rise, it is likely that such incidents will become more common, and that journalists will face increasing obstacles in reporting on the border. It is important that the rights of journalists are protected, and that they are able to do their job without fear of intimidation or harassment

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