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Biden Administration Faces Backlash for Providing Additional Funding to EcoHealth Alliance

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 16:09


EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit organization that studies the links between human and animal health, has been at the center of controversy in recent months. The organization has been accused of funding research in China that may have contributed to the outbreak of COVID-19. Now, the Biden administration’s decision to restore funding to EcoHealth Alliance has sparked backlash from some lawmakers and activists.

The Controversy

The controversy surrounding EcoHealth Alliance began last year when it was revealed that the organization had received funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for research in China. Some of that research involved studying bat coronaviruses, which some have suggested may have played a role in the outbreak of COVID-19.

Critics of EcoHealth Alliance argue that the organization’s research in China may have contributed to the outbreak of COVID-19. They also point to the fact that the organization has received funding from the Chinese government, which they say raises questions about its independence.

Supporters of EcoHealth Alliance, on the other hand, argue that the organization’s research is critical to understanding the links between human and animal health. They also point out that the organization has been transparent about its funding sources and has not been found to have violated any laws or regulations.

The Funding Controversy

The controversy surrounding EcoHealth Alliance was reignited earlier this year when the Biden administration announced that it would restore funding to the organization. The decision was met with backlash from some lawmakers and activists, who argued that the organization’s research in China was too risky and that it should not receive any more funding from the U.S. government.

In response to the criticism, EcoHealth Alliance released a statement defending its research and emphasizing the importance of studying the links between human and animal health. The organization also pledged to be transparent about its funding sources and to work with the U.S. government to ensure that its research is conducted safely and responsibly.

Despite the controversy, it appears that the Biden administration is standing by its decision to restore funding to EcoHealth Alliance. In a recent statement, the White House defended the organization’s research and emphasized the importance of studying the links between human and animal health.


The controversy surrounding EcoHealth Alliance highlights the challenges of conducting research in a globalized world. As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, diseases can spread quickly across borders, making it essential to understand the links between human and animal health.

While some may question the wisdom of funding research in China, it is clear that organizations like EcoHealth Alliance play an important role in advancing our understanding of these links. As long as they are transparent about their funding sources and operate in a responsible manner, they should be supported in their efforts to improve public health

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More Funding for EcoHealth Alliance Sparks Backlash Against Biden Admin

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Details to More Funding for EcoHealth Alliance Sparks Backlash Against Biden Admin

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