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DOJ to Ban FBI Crime Stats: Concealing Truth to Deceive Us

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 18:26


The Department of Justice (DOJ) is planning to ban the release of FBI crime statistics, which could have a significant impact on the public’s understanding of crime trends in the United States. The move has been met with criticism from experts who argue that the data is essential for policymakers and law enforcement agencies to make informed decisions.

The DOJ’s reasoning

The DOJ’s decision to ban the release of FBI crime statistics is based on concerns about the accuracy of the data. According to the department, the data is often incomplete and unreliable, making it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions about crime trends.

The DOJ has also expressed concerns about the potential misuse of the data. In particular, the department is worried that the statistics could be used to stigmatize certain communities or to justify discriminatory policies.

Criticism of the decision

Many experts have criticized the DOJ’s decision, arguing that the data is too important to be withheld from the public. They argue that policymakers and law enforcement agencies rely on the data to make informed decisions about crime prevention and public safety.

Critics also argue that the decision could have a chilling effect on the public’s right to know. By withholding information about crime trends, the DOJ could be preventing the public from holding law enforcement agencies accountable for their actions.

Finally, some experts have raised concerns about the potential impact on research. The FBI crime statistics are widely used by researchers to study crime trends and to develop new strategies for crime prevention. Without access to this data, researchers may be unable to conduct meaningful studies, which could have a negative impact on the development of effective crime prevention policies.


The DOJ’s decision to ban the release of FBI crime statistics has sparked controversy and raised concerns about the public’s right to know. While the department’s concerns about the accuracy and potential misuse of the data are valid, many experts argue that the data is too important to be withheld from the public.

Ultimately, the decision highlights the need for more transparency and accountability in the criminal justice system. By providing the public with accurate and reliable data about crime trends, policymakers and law enforcement agencies can make more informed decisions and work to prevent crime in a more effective and equitable way

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Censoring Reality to Feed Us Lies: DOJ to Ban FBI Crime Stats

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Details to Censoring Reality to Feed Us Lies: DOJ to Ban FBI Crime Stats

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