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I’m Grateful I Didn’t Get Trapped in the Electric Car Scam

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 20:11


The article titled “I’m Glad I Never Fell for the Electric Car Boondoggle” is written by David Harsanyi and published in the National Review. The author argues that electric cars are not as environmentally friendly as they are marketed to be and that they are a waste of money for consumers. He also criticizes the government’s subsidies for electric cars and suggests that the market should be left to decide which cars are worth buying.

Electric cars are not as environmentally friendly as they are marketed to be

Harsanyi argues that electric cars are not as environmentally friendly as they are marketed to be because they still rely on electricity generated from fossil fuels. He points out that “the vast majority of electricity in America is generated from coal, natural gas, and nuclear power.” Therefore, electric cars are not emission-free and still contribute to air pollution.

Moreover, Harsanyi argues that the production of electric cars is not environmentally friendly either. He cites a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists, which found that “the production of electric cars generates more carbon emissions than the production of conventional cars.” This is because electric cars require more energy to produce, and the production of their batteries requires the mining of rare earth metals, which is a highly polluting process.

Electric cars are a waste of money for consumers

Harsanyi also argues that electric cars are a waste of money for consumers because they are more expensive than conventional cars and have limited range. He points out that “the average electric car costs about $10,000 more than the average gas-powered car.” Moreover, electric cars have limited range and require frequent recharging, which can be inconvenient for consumers.

Furthermore, Harsanyi argues that the government’s subsidies for electric cars are a waste of taxpayer money. He points out that “the federal government offers a $7,500 tax credit for each electric car purchased, and many states offer additional incentives.” However, he argues that these subsidies are not necessary because electric cars are not competitive in the market and that the market should be left to decide which cars are worth buying.

The market should be left to decide which cars are worth buying

In conclusion, Harsanyi argues that electric cars are not as environmentally friendly as they are marketed to be, are a waste of money for consumers, and that the market should be left to decide which cars are worth buying. He suggests that the government should stop subsidizing electric cars and let the market decide which cars are worth buying. He also suggests that consumers should be free to choose which cars they want to buy based on their own preferences and needs

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“I’m Glad I Never Fell for the Electric Car Boondoggle”

In this week’s Spectator Toby has written about how relieved he is that he decided against buying an electric car a couple of years ago. Here’s an excerpt. A couple of years ago I thought seriously about buying an electric car. Not a hybrid, but the full monty. There was one in particular I liked the look of and I even contacted a dealership to ask whether they’d accept my diesel-powered VW Touran in part-exchange. The answer was yes, but it was still eye-wateringly expensive. Was it worth it? I tried to persuade myself it would be, given the savings on fuel costs, the waiving of the congestion charge, etc. Boy, am I glad I dodged that bullet. Scarcely a

Details to “I’m Glad I Never Fell for the Electric Car Boondoggle”

joy-behar-throws-a-fit-over-trump’s-cnn-town-hall:-„this-is-un-american!Joy Behar Throws a Fit Over Trump's CNN Town Hall: "This is Un-American!
e.-jean-carroll,-trump-rape-accuser,-was-a-huge-fan-of-his-show-‚the-apprentice‘?E. Jean Carroll, Trump Rape Accuser, Was a Huge Fan of His Show 'The Apprentice'?