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Mr. Hancock is being sued for defamation by Andrew Bridgen

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 11:00


Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen has announced that he is suing former Health Secretary Matt Hancock for defamation. Bridgen claims that Hancock made false and defamatory statements about him during a meeting with Conservative MPs in June 2021. The meeting was held to discuss the government’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Bridgen alleges that Hancock falsely accused him of leaking confidential information to the media. He claims that these allegations have caused him significant harm, both personally and professionally. Bridgen has instructed his lawyers to begin legal proceedings against Hancock.

The Allegations

During the meeting with Conservative MPs, Hancock reportedly accused Bridgen of leaking confidential information about the government’s Covid-19 response to the media. Bridgen denies these allegations and claims that they are completely false. He says that he has never leaked any confidential information and that he has always acted in the best interests of his constituents and the country.

Bridgen alleges that Hancock made these false and defamatory statements with the intention of damaging his reputation and causing him harm. He says that the allegations have caused him significant distress and anxiety, and that they have had a negative impact on his personal and professional life.

The Legal Action

Bridgen has instructed his lawyers to begin legal proceedings against Hancock for defamation. He says that he is taking this action in order to clear his name and to hold Hancock accountable for his actions. Bridgen is seeking damages for the harm that he has suffered as a result of Hancock’s alleged defamation.

The legal action is likely to be closely watched, as it raises important questions about the limits of free speech and the responsibilities of public figures. Bridgen says that he is determined to pursue the case in order to protect his reputation and to ensure that the truth is known. Hancock has not yet commented on the legal action

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Andrew Bridgen: “I am suing Mr. Hancock for defamation”

Breaking News In January, the former Health Secretary Matt Hancock, who was responsible for overseeing the UK Government’s covid response, described MP Andrew Bridgen as a “disgusting and dangerous” propagator of antisemitism. Shortly afterwards Mr. Bridgen tweeted at Midazolam Matt to remove his defamatory tweet and apologise, if he didn’t then Mr. Bridgen’s legal team would be in contact with him.  Yesterday Mr. Bridgen announced he was suing Hancock for defamation. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… “Mr. Hancock’s smear and false allegations of racism has served to

Details to Andrew Bridgen: “I am suing Mr. Hancock for defamation”

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