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The Arab League Inflicts a Major Blow on the United States in the Middle East

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 6:54


The United States has received a major black eye in the Middle East, courtesy of the Arab League. The League has condemned the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, calling it a violation of international law and a threat to regional peace and stability. The move has sparked protests across the Arab world, with many calling for a boycott of US products and services.

The Arab League’s Response

The Arab League’s response to the US decision has been swift and decisive. In a statement released after an emergency meeting in Cairo, the League said that the US move was a „dangerous development“ that would have „consequences that would undermine security and stability in the region.“ The League also called on the international community to recognize the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The League’s response has been echoed by many Arab leaders, who have condemned the US decision as a betrayal of the Palestinian people. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has called on the international community to reject the US move and to recognize the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital. He has also called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations General Assembly to discuss the issue.

The Impact of the US Decision

The US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has had a significant impact on the region. It has sparked protests across the Arab world, with many calling for a boycott of US products and services. It has also led to a deterioration in US-Arab relations, with many Arab leaders accusing the US of bias towards Israel.

The decision has also had a negative impact on the peace process between Israel and Palestine. The Palestinians have rejected the US move, saying that it undermines their claim to East Jerusalem as their capital. The move has also been criticized by many in the international community, who say that it undermines the prospects for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In conclusion, the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has had a major impact on the Middle East. It has sparked protests across the region and has led to a deterioration in US-Arab relations. The decision has also undermined the prospects for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Arab League’s response to the US move has been swift and decisive, with many Arab leaders calling for a boycott of US products and services. The international community has also condemned the US decision, calling on the US to reverse its position and to recognize the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital

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The United States Gets A Major Black Eye in the Middle East Courtesy of the Arab League

Here it is, short and sweet — the Arab League told Joe Biden and his foreign policy clown show to “go pound sand” as they reversed course and ended Syria’s suspension from the Arab League. Let’s go back to the future. Here was the news from almost 12 years ago: Syria has been suspended from the Arab League over its failure to end the bloodshed caused by brutal government crackdowns on pro-democracy protests in a move that will increase the international pressure on President Bashar al-Assad. At an emergency session of its 22 member states in Cairo to discuss the crisis, the league decided to exclude Syria until it implements the terms of an earlier agreed peace deal to stop

Details to The United States Gets A Major Black Eye in the Middle East Courtesy of the Arab League

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