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Trump Dominates CNN: The Don Criticizes Biden, Kamala, and Liberals in a 90-Minute Showdown

Published On: 11. Mai 2023 15:09


In a recent rally in Phoenix, Arizona, former President Donald Trump delivered a fiery speech that took aim at his political opponents, the media, and the Biden administration. The rally, which lasted for 90 minutes, was attended by thousands of supporters who cheered and chanted as Trump delivered his message.

One of the main targets of Trump’s speech was CNN, which he accused of being a „fake news“ network that was biased against him and his supporters. He also took aim at President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, calling them „incompetent“ and „disastrous“ for the country.

Trump’s Criticism of CNN

Trump’s criticism of CNN is not new, as he has frequently attacked the network during his presidency and even before. He has accused the network of being biased against him and his supporters, and has called it „fake news“ on numerous occasions.

During his rally in Phoenix, Trump took aim at CNN again, saying that the network was „dying“ and that its ratings were plummeting. He also accused the network of being „totally dishonest“ and of spreading false information about him and his administration.

Trump’s criticism of CNN has been a controversial issue, with some people supporting his views and others criticizing him for attacking the media. Some have argued that Trump’s attacks on the media are a threat to democracy, while others have defended his right to free speech.

Trump’s Criticism of Biden and Harris

In addition to his criticism of CNN, Trump also took aim at President Biden and Vice President Harris during his rally in Phoenix. He accused them of being „incompetent“ and of causing a „disaster“ for the country.

Trump also criticized Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that he had done a „terrible job“ and that his policies had caused more harm than good. He also accused Harris of being a „disaster“ as vice president, saying that she was „in way over her head.“

Trump’s criticism of Biden and Harris has been a common theme in his speeches since leaving office. He has frequently attacked the Biden administration’s policies and has accused them of undoing the progress that he made during his presidency.


In conclusion, Trump’s rally in Phoenix was a fiery and controversial event that took aim at his political opponents, the media, and the Biden administration. His criticism of CNN, Biden, and Harris has been a common theme in his speeches, and has been both praised and criticized by people on both sides of the political spectrum.

While some have defended Trump’s right to free speech and his criticism of the media and his political opponents, others have argued that his attacks on the media are a threat to democracy and that his criticism of Biden and Harris is unfounded and unfair.

Regardless of one’s views on Trump and his politics, it is clear that his rally in Phoenix was a powerful and divisive event that will continue to be debated and discussed in the coming weeks and months

Original article Teaser

TRUMP STOMPS CNN: The Don Torches Biden, Kamala, Libs in 90 Minute Massacre

Donald Trump returned to CNN Wednesday night in an explosive town hall event in New Hampshire. During the 90 minute broadcast, the former president torched Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the entire liberal establishment. Powerful moment:CNN: „Do you want Ukraine to win this war?“Trump: „I don’t think about it in terms of winning and losing, I think in terms of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people.“*Massive audience applause* The people want— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 11, 2023 Watch the highlight reel above.

Details to TRUMP STOMPS CNN: The Don Torches Biden, Kamala, Libs in 90 Minute Massacre

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