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Trump Urges End to Fatalities in Ukraine During CNN Town Hall

Published On: 12. Mai 2023 0:03


President Donald Trump has called for an end to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, saying he wants „everyone to stop dying.“ Speaking at a CNN town hall event, Trump said he was „very angry“ about the situation in Ukraine and that he was working to find a solution. The president also criticized Russia for its role in the conflict, saying that the country was „not helping“ to resolve the situation.

The Conflict in Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine began in 2014 when pro-Russian separatists seized control of parts of the country’s eastern regions. The conflict has since escalated into a full-scale war, with thousands of people killed and millions displaced. The conflict has also strained relations between Russia and the West, with the US and European Union imposing sanctions on Russia in response to its annexation of Crimea.

Trump’s Comments

During the town hall event, Trump was asked about his administration’s policy towards Ukraine. The president said that he was „very angry“ about the situation in Ukraine and that he was working to find a solution. Trump also criticized Russia for its role in the conflict, saying that the country was „not helping“ to resolve the situation.

Trump’s comments come amid renewed fighting in eastern Ukraine, with both sides accusing each other of violating a ceasefire agreement. The US has been providing military aid to Ukraine in its fight against the separatists, and Trump has been criticized by some for his perceived lack of support for the country.

In conclusion, President Trump’s comments on the conflict in Ukraine show that he is aware of the situation and is working to find a solution. However, it remains to be seen what concrete actions the administration will take to resolve the conflict. The ongoing fighting in eastern Ukraine is a reminder of the human toll of the conflict, and it is important for all parties involved to work towards a peaceful resolution

Original article Teaser

Trump tells CNN town hall: ‘I want everyone to stop dying’ in Ukraine


Details to Trump tells CNN town hall: ‘I want everyone to stop dying’ in Ukraine

Categories: Counter Punch, QuellenTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 22
sudan’s-conflict-poses-a-risk-of-escalating-into-a-regional-catastropheSudan's Conflict Poses a Risk of Escalating into a Regional Catastrophe
us-hardliner-bereiten-sich-auf-konflikt-mit-china-vorUS-Hardliner bereiten sich auf Konflikt mit China vor