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Almost Normal: Life in Russia’s Twilight Zone During Wartime

Published On: 13. Mai 2023 19:28


Russia has been in a state of war for the past seven years, but for many citizens, life has remained relatively normal. This „twilight zone“ of wartime existence is a result of the government’s efforts to downplay the conflict and maintain a sense of normalcy for its citizens. However, this approach has also led to a lack of transparency and accountability, leaving many Russians in the dark about the true nature of the conflict.

The Conflict

The conflict in question is the ongoing war in eastern Ukraine, which began in 2014 when Russian-backed separatists seized control of the region. Since then, the conflict has claimed over 13,000 lives and displaced millions of people. Despite this, the Russian government has consistently denied any involvement in the conflict, instead portraying it as a civil war between Ukrainians.

This narrative has been reinforced by state-controlled media, which has downplayed the severity of the conflict and portrayed it as a minor skirmish. As a result, many Russians are unaware of the true nature of the conflict and the extent of their government’s involvement. This lack of transparency has also led to a lack of accountability, with the government able to avoid responsibility for the conflict and its consequences.

The Twilight Zone

For many Russians, life has remained relatively normal despite the ongoing conflict. This is due in part to the government’s efforts to maintain a sense of normalcy, with schools and businesses remaining open and daily life continuing as usual. However, this „twilight zone“ of wartime existence has also led to a sense of complacency and apathy among the population, with many Russians unaware of the true nature of the conflict and its consequences.

This complacency has also been reinforced by the government’s propaganda machine, which has portrayed the conflict as a minor issue that does not affect the daily lives of ordinary Russians. This has led to a lack of public pressure on the government to address the conflict and its consequences, with many Russians accepting the status quo as normal.

In conclusion, the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine has created a „twilight zone“ of wartime existence for many Russians, with daily life continuing as usual despite the severity of the conflict. This is due in part to the government’s efforts to downplay the conflict and maintain a sense of normalcy, but it has also led to a lack of transparency and accountability. As a result, many Russians are unaware of the true nature of the conflict and its consequences, leading to a sense of complacency and apathy among the population

Original article Teaser

Russia's twilight zone, where wartime life is nearly normal

VORONEZH, Russia — The Russian jets flying overhead to Ukraine every so often can be heard but they can’t be seen.  It is a metaphor for the city of Voronezh, some 250 kilometers north of the border with Ukraine, where the war is both ubiquitous and nowhere; a rumbling threat as the backdrop to an — almost — ordinary life. “People try not to think about it and most don’t,” said Lyudmila (which is not her real name to protect her safety), a schoolteacher in her sixties.  As one of the few Russian cities close to the frontline to go ahead with its Victory Day parade, Voronezh was an anomaly.  You may like Neighboring Belgorod, which suffers almost daily drone

Details to Russia's twilight zone, where wartime life is nearly normal

Categories: Deutsch, Exxpress, Politico, QuellenTags: Daily Views: 1Total Views: 66
four-military-aircraft-reportedly-lost-within-russian-territoryFour military aircraft reportedly lost within Russian territory
ein-dorf-fuer-auswanderer-nach-russland-entsteht-bei-moskauEin Dorf für Auswanderer nach Russland entsteht bei Moskau