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I Have Seen Both of Tennessee’s White Faces

Published On: 13. Mai 2023 12:03


The article „Tennessee Has Two White Faces. I’ve Seen Both of Them.“ by Margaret Renkl, published in The New York Times, discusses the issue of racism in Tennessee, a state that has a complex history of racial discrimination. The author shares her personal experiences of growing up in Tennessee and witnessing the racial divide that still exists in the state.

The Two Faces of Tennessee

Renkl describes Tennessee as having two faces, one that is welcoming and friendly, and the other that is steeped in racism and bigotry. She recounts her childhood memories of visiting her grandparents in rural Tennessee, where she witnessed the blatant racism of her grandfather and his friends. She also talks about the more subtle forms of racism that she has encountered in her adult life, such as the segregation that still exists in some neighborhoods and the lack of diversity in certain social circles.

The author acknowledges that Tennessee has made progress in terms of racial equality, but she also points out that there is still a long way to go. She notes that the state has a history of violence against African Americans, including the Memphis Massacre of 1866 and the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis in 1968. She also highlights the recent controversy surrounding the removal of Confederate monuments in the state, which has sparked heated debates about the legacy of slavery and racism in Tennessee.

The Importance of Acknowledging Racism

Renkl argues that the first step towards addressing racism in Tennessee is to acknowledge its existence. She notes that many white Tennesseans are reluctant to talk about racism or to acknowledge their own privilege, which only perpetuates the problem. She also emphasizes the importance of listening to the experiences of people of color and taking their perspectives seriously.

The author concludes by calling on white Tennesseans to take responsibility for their role in perpetuating racism and to work towards creating a more just and equitable society. She acknowledges that this will not be an easy task, but she believes that it is necessary if Tennessee is to truly live up to its reputation as the „Volunteer State.“


In conclusion, Margaret Renkl’s article „Tennessee Has Two White Faces. I’ve Seen Both of Them.“ sheds light on the ongoing problem of racism in Tennessee. Through her personal experiences and observations, she highlights the complex history of racial discrimination in the state and the need for white Tennesseans to acknowledge their privilege and work towards creating a more just and equitable society. Her article serves as a call to action for all Tennesseans to confront the legacy of racism and to work towards a better future for all

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Tennessee Has Two White Faces. I’ve Seen Both of Them.

Ishmael Reed at Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga on January 18, 1999. | Tennessee Reed Ishmael Reed is the author of over 25 books including Mumbo Jumbo, Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down, Conjugating Hindi, Why No Confederate Statues in Mexico and most recently, Why the Black Hole Sings the Blues. For Audible, he has written two short stories: The Fool Who Thought Too Much, The Man Who Haunted Himself, and a memoir, Malcolm and Me, about a friendship with Malcolm X beginning in 1962. His play “The Conductor,” about the Education wars, returns to New York’s Theater for the New City in August. Once in a while, a new Black leader pops up from the grassroots. Fannie Lou Hamer. Malcolm X. Today

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