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Blocking Normalization of Relations with Syria: US Lawmakers Take Action

Published On: 14. Mai 2023 4:05


US lawmakers are seeking to block the Biden administration’s efforts to normalise relations with Syria. The move comes as the administration has been working to re-engage with the Syrian government and end the country’s long-running civil war. However, some lawmakers are concerned that normalising relations with Syria could legitimise the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, which has been accused of numerous human rights abuses.

The Legislation

The legislation, which was introduced by a group of Republican lawmakers, would prohibit the use of federal funds to normalise relations with Syria. The bill would also require the administration to report to Congress on any efforts to engage with the Syrian government and provide details on any concessions made by the regime.

The lawmakers behind the bill argue that normalising relations with Syria would send the wrong message to other authoritarian regimes around the world. They also point to the fact that the Syrian government has not made any significant reforms or changes to its behaviour since the start of the civil war in 2011.

The Biden Administration’s Position

The Biden administration has been working to re-engage with Syria in an effort to end the country’s civil war and address the humanitarian crisis in the region. The administration has lifted some of the sanctions that were imposed on Syria by the Trump administration and has been working to reopen diplomatic channels with the Syrian government.

However, the administration has also been clear that any normalisation of relations with Syria would be contingent on the regime making significant reforms and addressing the human rights abuses that have been committed during the civil war. The administration has also stated that it will continue to support the Syrian opposition and work to hold the regime accountable for its actions.


The debate over normalising relations with Syria is likely to continue in the coming months, as the Biden administration seeks to find a way to end the country’s civil war and address the humanitarian crisis in the region. While some lawmakers are concerned that normalising relations with Syria could legitimise the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, others argue that engagement is necessary in order to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to normalise relations with Syria will be up to the Biden administration. However, the debate over the issue highlights the challenges that the administration faces as it seeks to navigate the complex political and humanitarian situation in the region

Original article Teaser

US lawmakers seek to block normalising relations with Syria

As countries aligned to Saudi Arabia in the Middle East begin to re-establish diplomatic ties with Syria, a bipartisan group of American congressmen has proposed legislation that would prevent the Biden administration from normalising relations with Syria. A number of countries in the Middle East and the Western world broke ties with the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad after his government began violently cracking down on anti-regime protests in 2011, ultimately triggering the ongoing Syrian civil war. The legislation proposed by Representative Joe Wilson from South Carolina would expand sanctions against Assad’s allies and prevent the lifting of sanctions already in place. The move comes days after the Arab league voted to readmit Syria to the organisation, after expelling it

Details to US lawmakers seek to block normalising relations with Syria

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