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Incorrectness of Calvin Robinson’s Views on Ukraine

Published On: 14. Mai 2023 19:00


In a recent article for The Telegraph, Calvin Robinson argued that the West should not support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. Robinson claimed that Ukraine is a corrupt and dysfunctional state that does not deserve our support. He also argued that Russia has legitimate security concerns in the region and that the West should not provoke further conflict.

However, Robinson’s arguments are flawed and misguided. Ukraine is a sovereign state that has the right to defend itself against Russian aggression. The conflict in Ukraine is not a result of Ukrainian corruption or dysfunction, but rather of Russian aggression and expansionism. The West has a moral obligation to support Ukraine in its struggle for independence and territorial integrity.

The Conflict in Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine began in 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and began supporting separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. The conflict has since claimed over 13,000 lives and displaced over 1.5 million people. The separatist rebels are supported by Russia, which provides them with weapons, training, and funding. The conflict has also resulted in a humanitarian crisis, with many civilians suffering from lack of access to basic necessities such as food, water, and medical care.

The conflict in Ukraine is not a result of Ukrainian corruption or dysfunction, as Robinson suggests. Rather, it is a result of Russian aggression and expansionism. Russia has a long history of using military force to expand its territory and influence, and the conflict in Ukraine is just the latest example of this. The annexation of Crimea was a clear violation of international law, and Russia’s support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine is a blatant attempt to destabilize the country and prevent it from aligning with the West.

The West’s Obligation to Support Ukraine

The West has a moral obligation to support Ukraine in its struggle for independence and territorial integrity. Ukraine is a sovereign state that has the right to defend itself against Russian aggression. The West has a responsibility to uphold the principles of international law and to support countries that are threatened by aggression and expansionism.

Furthermore, supporting Ukraine is not just a moral obligation, but also a strategic imperative. If Russia is allowed to continue its aggression in Ukraine unchecked, it will embolden other authoritarian regimes to pursue similar policies. It will also undermine the credibility of the West and its commitment to international law and human rights.

In conclusion, Calvin Robinson is wrong about Ukraine. Ukraine is a sovereign state that has the right to defend itself against Russian aggression. The conflict in Ukraine is not a result of Ukrainian corruption or dysfunction, but rather of Russian aggression and expansionism. The West has a moral obligation to support Ukraine in its struggle for independence and territorial integrity. Supporting Ukraine is not just a moral obligation, but also a strategic imperative. The West must stand with Ukraine in its struggle for freedom and democracy

Original article Teaser

Calvin Robinson is Wrong about Ukraine

There’s scarcely anything more unappealing than sanctimony, or “pretended, affected or hypocritical holiness or saintliness; assumed or outward sanctity”. The word conjures up the Bishop of Southwark’s appearance in the notorious Life of Brian TV debate in 1979, oozing contempt in Tyrian purple, ostentatiously holding up his episcopal cross and making Christianity “uncool” for an entire generation. I have similar feelings about Calvin Robinson, the GB News presenter. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with Christianity, or professions of faith. I came to Christianity rather later in life, after spiritual experiences and historical research convinced me of the historicity of Jesus, the truth of the resurrection and the profound value of holy communion. My favourite saint is Joseph of

Details to Calvin Robinson is Wrong about Ukraine

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