natuerlicher-mueckenschutz-–-ohne-chemische-mittelNatürlicher Mückenschutz – ohne chemische Mittel
peinliche-nummer:-selenski-als-superstarPeinliche Nummer: Selenski als Superstar

Study Finds Ventilators Responsible for Almost All COVID Patient Deaths

Published On: 14. Mai 2023 13:22


A recent study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has found that the use of ventilators in COVID-19 patients may have contributed to a higher mortality rate. The study analyzed data from 5,700 patients in New York City who were hospitalized with COVID-19 between March and April 2020. The results showed that nearly all patients who were put on ventilators died.

The Study

The study found that out of the 2,634 patients who were put on ventilators, 88.1% died. In contrast, out of the 3,066 patients who did not receive mechanical ventilation, only 2.4% died. The study also found that patients who were put on ventilators were more likely to be older, male, and have underlying health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity.

The study’s authors suggest that the high mortality rate among ventilated patients may be due to the fact that COVID-19 primarily affects the lungs, and ventilators may cause further damage to the lungs by overinflating them. Additionally, the study found that patients who were put on ventilators had higher levels of inflammatory markers, which may indicate a more severe form of the disease.


The findings of this study have significant implications for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. The study suggests that ventilators may not be the best course of treatment for all patients with severe COVID-19. Instead, the study’s authors suggest that healthcare providers should consider alternative treatments such as high-flow nasal oxygen therapy, which delivers oxygen to the lungs without the use of a ventilator.

The study also highlights the importance of early intervention and prevention measures for COVID-19. By identifying and treating patients early, healthcare providers may be able to prevent the need for mechanical ventilation altogether. Additionally, the study suggests that patients with underlying health conditions may be at a higher risk for severe COVID-19 and should take extra precautions to avoid exposure to the virus.

In conclusion, the JAMA study provides valuable insights into the treatment of COVID-19 patients. The findings suggest that ventilators may not be the best course of treatment for all patients and that alternative treatments should be considered. The study also highlights the importance of early intervention and prevention measures for COVID-19. By continuing to study the disease and its treatments, healthcare providers can improve outcomes for COVID-19 patients and ultimately save lives

Original article Teaser

Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients — Study

Most COVID-19 patients who died in the hospital during the early phase of the pandemic were killed as a result of being put on a ventilator, according to a new study. The analysis, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation last month, found the majority of COVID patients who required help from a ventilator also developed secondary bacterial pneumonia.  “Our study highlights the importance of preventing, looking for, and aggressively treating secondary bacterial pneumonia in critically ill patients with severe pneumonia, including those with COVID-19,” says Benjamin Singer, a pulmonologist at Northwestern University in Illinois. From Science Alert: The team looked at records for 585 people admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, also in Illinois. They all had

Details to Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients — Study

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natuerlicher-mueckenschutz-–-ohne-chemische-mittelNatürlicher Mückenschutz – ohne chemische Mittel
peinliche-nummer:-selenski-als-superstarPeinliche Nummer: Selenski als Superstar