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Tucker Carlson’s Firing Causes FOX Corp to Air Trump’s Iowa Rally Amidst Flatlining Numbers

Published On: 14. Mai 2023 12:15


FOX Corp has recently decided to air former President Donald Trump’s Iowa rally, despite the fact that their ratings have been flatlining since they fired Tucker Carlson. This sudden decision has left many people wondering why FOX Corp has changed its stance on Trump, and what this means for the future of the network.


FOX Corp has been struggling to maintain its ratings since it fired Tucker Carlson, one of its most popular hosts. Carlson was fired after he made controversial comments about immigrants, which led to a backlash from advertisers and viewers. Since then, FOX Corp has been trying to find a way to regain its audience, but so far, its efforts have been unsuccessful.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has been making headlines again, as he prepares to run for president in 2024. Trump has been holding rallies across the country, and his supporters have been turning out in large numbers to hear him speak. This has led to speculation that Trump could once again become a major force in American politics, and that he could even win the presidency again.

FOX Corp’s Decision

Against this backdrop, FOX Corp has suddenly decided to air Trump’s Iowa rally, which is set to take place on October 9th. This decision has surprised many people, given that FOX Corp has been trying to distance itself from Trump in recent months. Some have speculated that the network is hoping to regain its audience by appealing to Trump’s supporters, who make up a significant portion of its viewership.

Others have suggested that FOX Corp is simply trying to stay relevant in a rapidly changing media landscape. With the rise of social media and streaming services, traditional television networks like FOX Corp are facing increasing competition for viewers. By airing Trump’s rally, FOX Corp may be hoping to generate buzz and attract new viewers who are interested in politics and current events.


Whatever the reason for FOX Corp’s decision, it is clear that the network is facing a challenging time. With its ratings flatlining and its audience increasingly fragmented, FOX Corp will need to find a way to adapt to the changing media landscape if it wants to remain relevant. Whether airing Trump’s rally will help the network achieve this goal remains to be seen, but it is clear that FOX Corp is willing to take risks in order to stay competitive

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FOX Corp Suddenly Decides to Air Trump’s Iowa Rally as Numbers Continue to Flatline Following Their Move to Fire Tucker Carlson

FOX News continues to hemorrhage viewers following the company’s decision to fire their top cable news host Tucker Carlson. Tucker was averaging 3.2 million viewers a night in his primetime slot. On Tuesday after his firing, FOX News had only 1.7 million viewers at 8 PM. Since then FOX News has lost two-thirds of their viewers in the coveted 8 PM timeslot. Their numbers have absolutely FLATLINED since firing their top-rated host. On Thursday FOX News at Night, the show that replaced Tucker Carlson, had 1.394 viewers.  They lost TWO-THIRDS of their audience!  And after two weeks — IT’S NOT COMING BACK! Nice job, Paul Ryan! On Saturday FOX News SUDDENLY decided to air President Trump’s rally in Iowa.  FOX

Details to FOX Corp Suddenly Decides to Air Trump’s Iowa Rally as Numbers Continue to Flatline Following Their Move to Fire Tucker Carlson

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